The Gazette 1927-30


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Vol. XXII, No. 4.]

AUGUST, 1928.


nulla bona having been made, he obtained on behalf of plaintiff an examination order from a District Justice under the Enforcement of Court Orders Act, 1926, and the Defendant having attended and satisfied the Justice that he had not got any means upon which an instalment order could be made, the Justice refused the application and awarded the defendant two guineas costs against the plaintiff. The member asked for an expres sion of opinion as to the jurisdiction to award the costs. The matter was referred to the Circuit and District Courts Committee. Agricultural Credits Bill. The Agricultural Credits Bill, 1928, was considered. Adjournment. The Council adjourned until 4th October, unless otherwise specially summoned. BANKRUPTCY COMMISSION. Mr. Alexander D, Orr and Mr. Edward M. Fitzgerald, members of the Council, gave evidence on 24th July, on behalf of the Council, before the above Commission in relation to the law and practice in company winding-up matters.


19th July. Twenty-five Members present. High Court Judgments.

A letter was read from the Secretary of the Irish Banks' Standing Committee asking the Council to join in a deputation to the Minister for Justice to press for legislation to validate judgments of the High Court marked in default of appearance since the Rules of 1926 came into operation, and which were affected by the recent decision of Stokes v Wilkie, affirmed by the Supreme Court. At the request of the Council, the President undertook to represent the Council on the deputation. Circuit Courts. A resolution was submitted from the Roscommon Solicitors' Bar, which advocated the amendment of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924, to permit of the registration of District Court decrees in High Court Central Office ; the amendment of Section 48 of the Act by substituting £150 for £300 : and to secure that either party, in both actions of tort and •contract, in. Circuit Court should be entitled as of right to a jury. District Court Practice. A letter was read from a member giving particulars of a case in which, a return of

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