The Gazette 1927-30
[MAY, 1928
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
20. Henry H. Barry. 21.
John Sullivan.
8. 9.
John M. Dudley, B.A., T.C.D.
Peter G. Moran. 10. David FitzGerald. 11. William M. Mullan. 12. Timothy J. O'Keeffe. Seventeen attended postponed.
James Cody. John J. Tully.
22. 23. 24.
Louis C. Murphy. 25. William M. Powell. Twenty-nine attended : 25 passed ; 4 were postponed. The Council have awarded a Gold Medal to Desmond Counahan, and Silver Medals to Patrick E. Gibbons and Charles Louth. INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION. The June Intermediate Examination will be held on Tuesday, 26th June, 1928, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Notices from Apprentices of intention to attend should be lodged in the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, before 6th June. THE SOCIETY'S CALENDAR. The Calendar and Law Directory of the Society for 1928 can be obtained in the Secretary's office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, price 5/-; by post, 5/6. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, C.17.
5 were
12 passed ;
At the Final Examination held on 2nd and 3rd April, the following passed the Examina tion, and their names are arranged in order of merit :— 1. Desmond Counahan. 2. Patrick E. Gibbons. 3. Charles Louth. 4. Henry J. J. Walker, B.A., N.U.I. 5. Francis Armstrong, B.A., tf.u.i. 6. Brendan Walsh. 7. William J. O'Meara. 8. Eugene Gallagher, B.A., N.U.I. 9. Noel P. Shee. 10. Henry J. Frizelle ) Joseph P. L. Murphy>' '- equal.
12. Henry E. Donegan. 13. Gerald F. Robinson. 14. William D. Leetch. 15. Alexander M. Sullivan. 16. Robert A. Frewen. 17. Joseph Morrissey. 18. Cuthbert J. Furlong. 19. Richard A. Burke.
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