The Gazette 1927-30
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
MR. WILLIAM T. O'SULLIVAN, Solicitor, died upon the 29th January, 1928, at Dublin. Mr. O'Sullivan was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1884, and practised at 70 Middle Abbey Street, and subsequently at 9 Eustace Street, Dublin, up to 1924, when he retired.
SPECIAL EXAMINERS. The Council have appointed Mr. Vincent D. Keirans, B.A., LL.B., T.C.D., Solicitor, and Mr. J. Malvern White, B.A., LL.B., T.C.D., Solicitor, to be Special Examiners for the Intermediate and Final Examinations. APRIL EXAMINATIONS, 1928. The Final Examination will be held on Monday and Tuesday, the 2nd and 3rd days of April. Notices from apprentices of intention to attend the examination should be lodged in the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, before 15th March. The Preliminary Examination will be held on Monday and Tuesday, the 16th and 17th days of April. Notices from candidates of intention to attend the examination should be lodged in the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, before 28th March. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, C.17.
NEW MEMBERS. The following have joined the Society— John H. Bergin, 56 Rutland Square, Dublin.
James Burns, Castleblayney. Anthony J. Malone, Trim.
THE SOCIETY'S CALENDAR. The Calendar and Law Directory of the Society for 1928 can be obtained in the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, price five shillings; by post, five shillings and sixpence.
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