The Gazette 1927-30
THE GAZETTE OF THE Jnrrrrpnrateh fain ^atizta nf Jrdanir. Vol. XXI, No. 7.] JANUARY, 1928. E FOR CIRCULATION AMONGST MEMBERS
15th December. Twenty-three Members present. Death of Mr. James Moore.
SOLICITORS' ANNUAL CERTIFICATES. Members are reminded that their Annual Certificates for the year ending 5th January, 1929, should be taken out, and the duties paid thereon, before 6th February, 1928. The Certificates of Solicitors whose offices are situate in the Irish Free State are issued in the office of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, and the duties thereon are payable at the Stamp Office, Law Courts, Dublin Castle. The Certificates of Solicitors whose offices are situate in Northern Ireland are issued in the office of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland, 35 Royal Avenue, Belfast, and the duties thereon are payable at the Inland Revenue Office, Belfast. y ______ , •' i MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. 1st December. Twenty-five Members present. Circuit Court Rules. A letter in reply was read from the Minister for Justice stating that he hoped to lay the Circuit Court Rules before the Oireachtas at the end of the present recess. Extra-Ordinary Members. The names of the following were submitted by the Southern Law Association to serve as Extra-ordinary Members of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1928 :— Mr. J. J. Morgan, Mr. C. Jermyn, Mr. A. Julian, Mr. W. Murphy, and Mr. P. J. Kavanagh. 8th December. Twenty-four Members present. Election of President and; Vice-PresJdents. The,..Council elected Mr. Basil Thompson to be' President of the Society, and Mr. J. G. Reid and Mr. M. E. Knight, to be Vice-. Presidents of the Society 'for' fh'e'ven'suifl''gr twelve months.
A resolution was passed expressing the deep regret of the Council at the death of their colleague, Mr. James Moore, a past President of the Society, and conveying to the relatives of Mr. Moore the sympathy of the Council. Jurisdiction of the Master of the High Court. An order of the High Court, discharging an order made by the Master of the High Court in an uncontested application, which had de clared a mortgage to be well charged, and appointing a Receiver, on the grounds that the High Court Rules did not confer on the Master jurisdiction to make such an order, was considered, and the matter was referred to the Court and Offices Committee to report upon to the Council. MR. WILLIAMS, Solicitor, died upon the 3rd December, 1927, at his residence, 47 Onslow Gardens, South Kensington, London. Mr. Williams served his apprenticeship with Mr. John A. Williams, Belfast; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1896, and practised at Larne. .. MR. JAMES MOORE, Solicitor, died upon the 15th December, 1927, at his residence, 1 Brookfield Terrace, Donnybrpok, Dublin. Mr. Moore served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. William M.. Moore, '8 Anglesea 'Street, Dublin ; 'was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1890, and practised at •••8 -Anglesea1 Street, Dublin, 'under the> style of Wm. M. Moore & Son. WILLIAM W. McN. OBITUARY.
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