The Gazette 1927-30
THE GAZETTE OF THE Knrnrjmrateir fain j^nrkitr nf frdanir. Vol. XXI, No. 6] DECEMBER, 1927. [
HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING. The Half-yearly General Meeting of the Members of the Society was held in the Offices of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, on Monday, the 28th November. The Chair was occupied by the President (Mr. W. T. Sheridan), and the following Members were also present:—F. Fottrell (Vice-President), P. Tallan (Vice-President), W. G. Bradley, E. H. Burne, P. J. Byrne, T. H. R. Craig, H. P. Mayne, J. Moore, A. H. S. Orpen, A. D. Orr, T. G. Quirke, L. J. Ryan, P. Seales, W. V. Seddall, R. G. Warren, L. J. O'Neill, E. N. Edwards, 0. P. Beater, V. P. Kennedy, E. R. McC. Dix, F. E. Bermingham, J. Hollinger, A. E. R. McCabe, W. S. Barrett, T. J. Dowdall, E. J. Kenny, Francis Kerr, N. M. Purcell, F. S. Colquhoun, F. D. Darley, J. W. Dyas, C. St. G. Orpen, S. M. Bell, H. R. MaunseU, F. C. E. Bland, E. R. Bate, W. C. Lloyd, E. J. Mallins, P. Glynn, I. Howe, W. H. Fry, E. A. Margetson, H. Malley, E. Condell, P. J. Sheridan, T. D. McLoughlin, J. G. O'Connor, R. N. Keller. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting, also the minutes of the previous General Meeting, which latter were signed by the Chairman. The Chairman signed the audited accounts of the Society. The Secretary read the report of the Scrutineers of the Ballot for Council, which stated that the following had been returned unopposed as Provincial Delegates :—Ulster, William Martin ; Munster, J. S. Gaffney ; Leinster, M. Buggy; Connaught, H. J. Concanon.
For the thirty-one Ordinary Members of the Council the following have been elected, and received the number of votes placed after their respective names :—T. G. Ouirke, 308 ; P. Tallan, 284; L. J. Ryan, 276; W. T. Sheridan, 275; P. Seales, 266 : J.J.Duggan, 263 ; W. S. Hayes, 256 ; J. J. Lynch, 255 ; H. Turpin, 255 ; E. H. Burne, 251 ; P. J. Byrne, 248 : T. W. Delany, 247 ; D. J. Reilly, 244 ; F. Fottrell, 239; W. G. Bradley, 239; A. H. S. Orpen, 236 ; W. V. Seddall, 226 ; H. K. Toomey, 224 ; R. G. Warren, 224 ; M. E. Knight, 221 : J. E. MacDermott, 216 ; T. H. R. Craig, 213; B. Thompson, 207; C. Laverty, 206; B. J. O'Flaherty, 204; H. P. Mayne, 203 ; E. Fitzgerald, 195 ; A. D. Orr, 194 : C. G. Gamble, 194 ; J. G. Reid, 194 ; James Moore, 189 ; and the following to form a Supplemental List in case of vacancies :—W. Dwver, 184 ; J. E. Wallace, 180 ; James Harte, 165. THE PRESIDENT, in moving the adop tion of the Annual Report of the Council, said :— In moving the adoption of the Annual Report of the Council it is customary for the President to make some observations on any matters affecting the interests of the profes sion that occurred during the previous twelve months. As you see, gentlemen, we are still carrying on the work of the Society in our temporary premises. When the new buildings at the Four Courts will be ready for our occupation I cannot say, but I trust my immediate successor in the chair will have the pleasure of opening them. When they are finished, you will find that the Government has acted
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