The Gazette 1927-30
[NOVEMBER, -1927
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
5. 6. John P. J. Smyth. Patrick J. Branigan. 7. Robert f- Kehoe. 8. Gerald]. O'Donnell. 9. James Neville. John W. McHale. Joseph Murray. 13. Vincent P. Duffy. 14. 15. Daniel C. Mangan. 16. Carter S. Draper Thomas Maguire, B.A., N.U.I. 1 Eleanore D. Scholefield, > J 18. Michael Powell, B.A., N.U.I. 19. 20. Annie J. Smyth. 21. Alexander W. Hughes Michael J. Walshe 23. Edward Neville. 24. James Burns. B.A., T.C.D. 10. 11. 12.
Eighteen candidates attended : 2 were postponed. Preliminary Examinations Prizes, 1927. The Council awarded a Silver Medal to Joseph G. Dudley, and Special Certificates to Gerald Baily and Aine M. Reid. At the Intermediate Examination held on 7th October, the following passed the exam ination, and their names are classed and arranged in order of merit :— CLASS I. 1. Laurence K. Branigan. 2. Joseph G. Guihan. 3. Gladys L. Tallan. 4. Francis Farrell. 16 passed ;
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Joseph G. Fitzgerald, B.A., N.U.I.
Edward J. Montgomery, B.A., T.C.D.
5. Donough O'Donovan. 6. Christopher G. Ross. 7. Michael V. Fay. Thomas A. O'Donoghue Dermott P. Morris. 9. 1. Kenneth Kilbride William Leahy 3. Jerome L. O'Sullivan. 4. Margaret M. Gibbons. 5. Doreen S. Gillespie. 6. Michael J. Fitzmaurice. 7. Edwin Jordan. 8. Robert M. Bell. 9. Lancelot U. Smith. 10. Leo B. Skinner. Thirty-three CLASS II.
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25. Dermod Clinch. 26. Robert G. Ball. 27. Joseph Barrett. 28. Francis Poyntz. Thirty-six candidates attended : 28 passed, 8 were postponed. The Council awarded a Gold Medal to Austin R. Farrell, a Silver Medal to Timothy K. Keane, and Special Certificates to John L. Kealy, John Lombard, John P. J. Smyth and Patrick J. Branigan. Scholarships, 1927. The Findlater Scholarship was awarded to James J. Hickey. The Overend Preliminary Examination Scholarship was awarded to Joseph G. Dudley, and the Overend Final Examination Scholarship was awarded to Austin R. Farrell. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, C.17.
candidates attended:
14 were postponed.
passed ;
At the Final Examination held on 3rd, 4th and 5th October, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit:— 1. Austin R. Farrell. 2. Timothy K. Keane. 3. John L. Kealy. 4. John Lombard.
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