The Gazette 1927-30
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Vol. XXI, No. 3.]
JULY, 1927.
inations, the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. 1928, can be obtained in
Meeting of the Council.
16th June. Twenty-four Members present. Inland Revenue Affidavits.
Society's Calendar, 1927. The Calendar can be obtained at 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. Price 5/-; by post, 5/6. Recent Legal Decision. In re A. C., a person of unsound mind, deceased. JUDGMENT OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE. Delivered the 24th June, 1927. COURT FEES (SUPREME COURT AND HIGH - COURT) ORDER, 1926. FEES IN LUNACY AND MINOR MATTERS This is an application by the Solicitor for the Committee of a deceased patient under the care of the Court, for an Order that he may be paid out of the funds in Court to the credit of the matter the sum of £2 18s. Od., made up of a number of items disallowed by the Taxing Master on the taxation of his costs in the matter. Notice of the applica tion was given to. the General Solicitor, Mr. Robinson, who attended on the taxation, and I have had the advantage of hearing Mr. Robinson on the question. The several items of charges in the applicant's Bill of Costs which the Taxing Master disallowed were Court Fees of one shilling per cent, demanded by and! paid to
The Council having drawn the attention of the Controller of the Stationery Office to the inferior quality of the paper upon which Inland Revenue affidavits are printed, a letter was read from the Controller in reply stating that after careful consideration it had been decided to print these documents in future on paper of superior .quality' and toughness. Dublin Circuit Court. A letter was read from the Hon. .Sec. of the Dublin Circuit Sessions Bar, drawing attention to the necessity of legislation so as -to permit of the appointment of an assistant Circuit Court Judge for Dublin. After dis cussion, the consideration of the matter was adjourned till next meeting of the Council, when the new Government would be in office. Examination and Lectures Regulations. Draft new Regulations under Section 8 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, were submitted and adopted.
Examinations, 1928.
The to be read for the Preliminary, Intermediate, and Final Exam. lists of books
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