The Gazette 1927-30

APRIL, 1930]

The Gazette of the incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


HIGH COURT SITTINGS. Easter Sittings begin on Monday, 28th April. GENERAL MEETING. The Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society will be held on Friday, 16th May, at half-past two o'clock, p.m., in 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. EASTER AND TRINITY SITTINGS LECTURES. Senior Class Lectures will be delivered on the following dates :— April 29. May 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30. June 3, 6. Junior Class Lectures will be delivered on the following dates :— April 30. May 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29. June 4, 5. INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION. The Intermediate Examination will be held on Friday, 6th June. Notice of intention to attend the examination should be lodged in the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, before 16th May. A candidate for the Intermediate if bound for an apprenticeship of three years' service must have served for not less than one of such years, and if bound for an apprenticeship of more than three years' service, must have served for not less than two of such years. THE SOCIETY'S CALENDAR. The Society's Calendar for 1930 can be ! obtained in the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. Price five shillings ; by post, five shillings and sixpence. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, C.I7.

OBITUARY. MR. HUBERT J. TULLY, Solicitor, died upon the 27th February, 1930, at his residence, " Rafarn," Loughrea, County Galway. Mr. Tully was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1881, and practised at Sligo up to 1915, when he retired. MR. V/ILLIAM H. ATKINSON, Solicitor, died upon the 3rd March, 1930, at his residence, " Clarisford," Portadown, County Armagh. Mr. Atkinson was admitted in Trinity Term, 1872, and practised at Portadown under the style of E. D. Atkinson & Son. "Avonmore," Stillorgan, County Dublin. Mr. Crpzier served his apprenticeship with j his father, the late Mr. Francis R. M. j Crozier, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas ; Sittings, 1898, and practised at 14 Ely Place, Dublin. APPOINTMENT. Mr. John F. A. Simms, Solicitor, Strabane, has been appointed Crown Solicitor and Sessional Crown Solicitor for the County of Tyrone. the Dail expressing approval of the Circuit Court Rules which had been laid on the table of the Dail on 27th February. Five other Members of the Dail took part in the debate which followed on the resolution of the Minister. Of these five Members, four were members of the legal profession. The five Members all expressed the view that the Rules should not be approved pending the issue of the Report of the Joint Committee on the Courts of Justice Acts, and ultimately the Minister withdrew his motion of approval, expressing to the House his intention of putting the Rules on the table again for consideration. MR. THOMAS F. CROZIER, Solicitor, died upon the 2nd March, 1930, at his residence, CIRCUIT COURT RULES. On the 12th March the Minister for Justice moved a resolution in

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