The Gazette 1927-30
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Vol. XXIII, No. 8.]
OBITUARY. MR. JOHN MOLONEY, Solicitor, died upon the 1st January, 1930, at his residence, " Coolbawn," Midleton, Count)' Cork. Mr. Moloney served his apprenticeship with Mr. J. Travers Wolfe, Skibbereen; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1904, and prac tised at Midleton. He was awarded the Findlater Scholarship in 1904. MR. GEORGE BIRNEY, Solicitor, died upon the 5th January, 1930, at his residence, " Brynogue," Foxrock, County Dublin. Mr. Birney served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William G. Murphy, Dublin; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1899, and practised at 179 Pearse Street, Dublin. Mr. AMBROSE B. LANE, Solicitor, died upon the 7th January, 1930, at The Vicarage, Golden, British Columbia. Mr. Lane served his apprenticeship with Mr. C. H. Denroche, Dublin; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1902, and practised at 12 Molesworth Street, Dublin, and subse quently at 5 Foster Place, Dublin, up to 1910, when he went abroad. MR. DANIEL McGoNiGAL, Solicitor, died upon the 17th January, 1930, at his residence, " Templecarren," Whitehead, County Antrim. Mr. McGonigal was admitted in Trinity- Sittings, 1889, and practised at 2 Rosemary Street, Belfast, up to 1921, when he was
16th January. Twenty-eight Members present. Extra-Ordinary Members.
The names of the following were submitted by the Southern Law Association to serve as Extra-Ordinary Members of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1930:— The President (Mr. F. J. Blake), Mr. Horgan, Mr. C. Jermyn, Mr. Kavanagh and Mr. W. Murphy. Statutory Committee. A letter was read from the Chief Justice appointing the following members of the Council to be the Statutory Committee for the year ending 26th November, 1930 :— The President (Mr. Scales), Mr. Burne, Mr. Orpen, Mr. Quirke, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Tallan and Mr. Thompson. District Court Civil Process. The attention of the Council was drawn, in letters from two members of the Society, to the circular of llth December, 1929, from the Department of Justice to District Court Clerks, intimating that as from 1st February the Original Process must in no circumstances be surrendered, even on loan, without the permission of the Examiner of District Court Clerks. The Council having been informed that this matter was under consideration of the District Court Rules Committee, post poned taking action in reference to it.
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