The Gazette 1927-30
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Taxing Master, a past President of the Society, and expressing their sympathy with. Mrs. Maenamara and the members of the family in their bereavement. 28th November. Twenty Members present. Land Registry. A letter was read from the Chief Clerk, Land Registry, drawing attention to the liability to pay revenue duty on copies of documents bespoken from the Registry, the originals of which bear duty. The letter in full appears in this " Gazette." Court of Examiners. A report was adopted granting two ap plications for leave to be bound under Section 16. Privileges Committee. A report was adopted dealing with two matters referred to the Committee, in re lation to both of which the Committee recommended that no further action be taken. PETER SEALES, of 11 College Green, Dublin, to be President of the Society for the ensuing twelve months. The newly-elected President was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1901, he became a member of the Council in 1918, and was a Vice-President of the Society in 1922-23. THE PRESIDENT. The Council have elected Mr. THE VICE-PRESIDENTS. The Council have elected Mr. JOHN J. DUGGAN, of Carlow, and Mr. DANIEL J. RIELLY, of Trim, to be Vice-Presidents of the Society for the ensuing twelve months. OBITUARY. MR. RICHARD A. MACNAMARA, Taxing Master, died upon the 9th November, 1929. Mr. Maenamara was admitted a Solicitor in Michalemas Term, 1877, and practised at 35 Westmoreland Street, Dublin, up to
your Council as expressed in the Dail by our member, Mr. Travers Wolfe, whom I like to call " our own Member " and who, I am glad to see, has been again elected to the new Council by a very large number of votes. I believe this Joint Committee of the two Houses will welcome evidence from the public and the profession, and I trust we may be able to give evidence before them and that such will be acted upon as expert evidence, as it really is. Again I repeat what I said at the May Half-yearly Meeting, that we do not each yet realise what a power for the good of our profession and our common country the Solicitors of Ireland, working energetically and with their full power, can be. What we wish aright can be done if we exert our powerful influence to the full. SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION I think it is not out of place at this meeting to remind my professional brethern who are not subscribers already that the Solicitors' Benevolent Association is still in existence and going strong, and doing very useful though benevolent work amongst those whom our deceased brethren have left who require encouragement, if not a helping hand. If those who do not subscribe only knew of the blessing some of the grants made by the Society are, they would certainly assist us and we could do more good than we are doing. | I beg to move the adoption of the Report. ! MR. TALLAN seconded the motion, and i the Report was adopted. i The second chair having been taken by Dr. T. G. Quirke, On the motion of Mr. \V. Gordon Bradley, seconded by Mr. C. St. G. Orpen, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the President for the manner in which he had discharged the duties of his office, and the President having replied the proceedings terminated.
14th November. Twenty-four Members present. The late Master Maenamara.
The Council passed a resolution of deep regret at the death of Mr. R. A. Maenamara,
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