The Gazette 1927-30
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society Of Ireland.
F. O'Keeffe, Patrick J. O'Flynn, Patrick F. O'Connor and George G. King.
The Cup, presented by the Council of the Incorporated Law Society, was won by H. H. Maxwell with a nett score of 79 ; T. W. Purefoy being second with 80, and D. Sullivan third with 81. •• The Veterans', Cup, presented by the President and confined to members of 50 years of age and upwards, was won by D. Sullivan; R. G. Warren with a nett score of 82 being second. Owing to the rain in the afternoon only three cards were returned in the Foursome Sweepstakes : D. Pigot and H. H. Maxwell, 5 down; J. D. Hollinger and M. H. MacGrath, 10 down; G. Grove White and A. E. Prentice, 13 down. In the evening a dinner was held in the Clubhouse, presided over, in the absence of the President, by the Captain, W. T. Sheridan. EXAMINATION RESULTS. At the Preliminary Examination held on the 7th and 8th October, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit :— 1.
Intermediate Examination. At the Intermediate Examination held on the 4th October, the following passed the examination :— PASSED WITH MERIT. 1. Eric A. J. Plunkett. 2. Lewis D. Field.
3. Martin C. Tynan.. 4. Martin M. Halley. 5. John C. Kieran, Junr. 6. Clifford D. O'Farrell. 7. Aine M. Reid Charles J. Starkey 9. Ernest Keegan Thomas Lanigan 11. Patrick O'Leary. 12. John W. Montgomery. 13. Lyndon G. C, Lett Peter Woods PASSED. 1. William J. MeWilliam. 2. Mathew F. Coghlan Hugh Fitzpatrick 4. Colin H. Maidment. 5. Edmond Lalor. 6. Thomas Jackson, Junr. 7. Patrick M. Murray. 8. Alexander Marshall. 9. Joseph O'Malley. 10. Arthur G. Fegan. Gerard L. McGowan 12. George C. Quinn. 13. Peter J. O'Flaherty. 14. Michael Cussen. 15. Hugh C. McGahon. 16. John D. Moran. 17. Robert Geary James J. O'Connor. 22. Roger G. O'Sullivan. 23. James G. A. Coolican. 24. Thomas G. Clarke. Forty-six candidates attended: eight passed ; eight were postponed. James R. J. Quirke Edward B. Williams John J. P. Gordon. 20. 21.
>equal. >equal.
> equal.
George G. King. Robert J. Baylor. Brian O'Brien.
, equal.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Francis Connolly. William A. Atwell. Francis F. Harvey. Christopher P. Crowley. .William Lanigan. Gerald S. O'Rourke. Raymond G. Kenny. Charles J. Holohan. Joseph A. Jones , Laurence B. McMahon Jecluai - \
10. 11. 12.
Modified Preliminary Examination. Samuel Bolton and John J. Colbert passed the Modified Preliminary Examination, for which they had liberty to present themselves. Nineteen candidates attended : fifteen passed ; four were postponed. Preliminary Examination Prizes, 1929. A Silver Medal was awarded to Frederick J. Mangan, and Special Certificates to Thomas
> equal.
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