The Gazette 1927-30
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Vol. XXIII, No. 3.]
JULY, 1929.
died upon the 13th June, 1929, at his residence, 9 Brighton Road, Rathgar. Mr. Beater served his * apprenticeship with the late Mr. Bindon Scott, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1876, and practised formerly at 10 Leinster Street and latterly at 16 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin. MR. MATTHEW J. BYRNE, Solicitor, died upon the 16th June, 1929, at Listowel. Mr. Byrne was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1887, and practised at Listowel. He was a member of the Council of the Society during the year 1925. MR. MICHAEL V. COOLICAN, Solicitor, died upon the 18th June, 1929, at River side, Ballina. Mr. Coolican was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1886, and practised at Ballina up to 1917, when he was appointed Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the County of Mayo, and subsequently County Registrar. MR. WILLIAM KELLY, Solicitor, died upon the 30th June, 1929, at his residence, Main Street, Letterkenny. Mr, Kelly served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John J. O'Meara, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1901, and practised formerly at Ramelton and latterly at Letterkenny.
20th June. Twenty-eight Members present. The late Mr. M. J. Byrne.
The Council passed a resolution expressing their sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr. M. J. Byrne, Solicitor, Listowel, a former member of the Council. Court of Examiners. Reports from the Court of Examiners in reference to applications under Section 16 and 17 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, were submitted and adopted. Circuit Court Appeals. It was resolved that a letter be written to the Minister for Justice, requesting that the Circuit Court rules should contain a rule providing for the return to the Solicitor for the parties at the Circuit Court hearing of documents given in evidence. OBITUARY. MR. JOHN ORR NEWTOX, Solicitor, died upon the 10th June, 1929, at Winnipeg, Canada. MR. NEWTON served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Henry R. Kelly, Dun- gannon, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings 1903, and practised at Dungannon up to 1906 when he went abroad.
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