The Gazette 1924-27
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[MARCH, 1926
Duffy : Criminal Digest, 1914-1925, Pt. II. Kenny : Criminal Law, 1901. Emmet : Book-keeping for Solicitors. Grant : Law of Banking, 7th Ed., 1924. Public Statutes of the Oireachtas, 1923. Latin for Lawyers. Pease and Chitty : Markets and Fairs. de Colyar : Guarantees, 3rd Ed., 1897. Lightwood : Time Limit on Actions, 1909. Maxwell: Digest, Irish Reports, 1894-1918. Nolan and Kane : Landlord and Tenant, 5th Ed., 1898. Norton : Deeds, 1906. Robb : Bankruptcy, 1907. Shannon : Income Tax, Free State. Coulson and Forbes : Waters, 4th Ed., 1924. Hall: International Law, 8th Ed., 1924. Holland : Jurisprudence, 13th Ed., 1924. Jordan : Private Companies, llth Ed., 1924. Bolton : Housing Working Classes, 1914. Times Atlas, 1922. Robinson : Public Authorities, 1925. Cripps : Compensation, 1922. Brookes : Notary, 1925. Strahan : Digest of Equity, 1924.
Brewer : Dictionary Phrase and Fable. Whittaker's Almanack, 1926. Quin : Winding up of Companies, 1920. Bernard : Irish Church Acts, 1876. Topham : Company Law, 1924. Chaytor : ment. Belfast and Ulster Directory, 1926. Guy's Cork Directory, 1926. Blyth's Analysis of Snell's Equity, 13th Ed, Kelly's London Directory, 1926. Irish Statutes, 1310-1800. The Society's Calendar. The Society's Calendar and Law Directory for 1926 can be obtained at the Society's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, price five shillings ; by post, five shillings and sixpence. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. Tithe Rent Charge and Supple–
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