The Gazette 1924-27
MAY, 1924
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
At the Final Examination held on 2nd and 3rd and 4th April, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit : 1. Laurence Kirwan. | , PatrickF. O'Reilly. i eclual - 3. Edward T. Richards.
in consequence of the destruction of the Four Courts, but where the Solicitor has in his possession a plain copy, he shall be at liberty to lodge with the Accountant General a Notice of the Charging or Stop-Order, accompanied by such plain copy of the Order, certified by him to be correct, and thereupon the Accountant-General shall enter on his books Notice of the Order. 2. In cases where no copy is forthcoming, the Solicitor gives to the Accountant-General a Notice in writing that a Charging or Stop Order was obtained on a certain date, and the Accountant-General shall be at liberty to make a note in his books to the following effect: " The Accountant-General has received notice from Solicitor that on the day of 192 a Charging Order (of which no office or certified copy is forthcoming) was made in favour of A.B. against C.D.'s interest in the funds to credit of this account." Results of Examinations. At the Preliminary Examination held on 10th and llth April, the following passed the examination and their names are arranged in order of merit :
4. William White. 5. Cornelius Healy. 6. Edward J. H. Hopkins. 7. Charles S. Ouinlan. 8. John J. Hannan. 9. Robert H. Brett. 10. Charles J. Joyce. 11. Hugh R. Wallace. 13. Andrew J. O'Flynn. 13. William L. Ryan. 14. Hew Barrington Jellett.
The Council awarded Special Certificates to Laurence Kirwan and Patrick F. O'Reilly. Twenty-two Candidates attended ; four– teen passed ; eight were postponed. Intermediate Examination. The Intermediate Examination will be held on Tuesday the 1st July in the Royal College >..f Surgeons, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin Notices from apprentices of intention to attend the examination should be lodged before 24th June in the Secretary's offics, 33 Mo'esworth Street, Dublin. Irish Solicitors' Golfing Society. The Annual Meeting will be held at the Royal Dublin Golf Club, Dollymount, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of June, 1924. There will be a competition, 18 holes by stroke, in the forenoon ; and in the afternoon a Four– some competition against bogey. A dinner will be held in the evening. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 33 iMolesworth Street, Dublin.
1. Bernard Bernstein. 2. Francis Armstrong.. James C. Fagan: 4. James Neville. 5. Anthony A. F. Tatlbw: 6. Brendan Walsh: 7. Noel P. Shee. j H
8. Alan G. Murray. 9. William J. Leahy. 10. Timothy Lynch. 11- NoraM*. O'Shiel. 12. Louis C. Murphy.
George Crowley and Gerald F. Robinson passed the modified Preliminary Examination for which they had liberty to present them– selves. Eighteen Candidates attended ; fourteen passed ; four were postponed.
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