The Gazette 1924-27
[JANUARY, 1926
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Taxing Officer of the Circuit Court should tax the costs on the same scale as costs would be taxed in a High Court action, but that he regarded Section 51 as giving a larger power to the Circuit Court and to its officers in dealing with taxation than was possessed by the County Court and its officers, and he directed the Clerk of the Peace to tax the costs on a reasonable basis, having regard to the fact that the action was remitted from the High Court to the Circuit Court to reduce the incidence of costs. (Reported I.L.T.K Vol. I..IX., 169.) ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin.
Dublin, the property of Defendant, by his agents and servants. The Defendant obtained an Order of 8th July, 1925, trans– ferring the Plaintiff's action for trial to the Circuit Court, and that the costs ol the motion be costs in the action. The case Was heard by the Assistant Circuit Judge, sitting with a common jury, when the jury found for the Plaintiff ^120 damages, and judgment was entered accordingly, whereupon the case was adjourned for the consideration of the question of costs. The Judge, having heard Counsel for both parties on the question of the scale under which the Plaintiff's costs should be drawn, dealt with the provisions of Sections 22, 48 and 51 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924, and stated that he could not think that it would be a right view to take that the
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