The Gazette 1924-27
fain ^nriBtij nf frelanir.
January, 1926.
Vol. XIX., No. 7]
of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1926 : Mr. Joseph Alien (President), Mr. S. G. Crymble, Mr. John B. McCutcheon, Mr. John McKee, and Mr. S. Ross.
Meetings of the Council.
2nd December. Twenty-three Members present. Council Meetings.
It was resolved that during the coming year meetings of the Council be held on Thursdays, at half-past two o'clock, p.m., with intervals of three weeks between each meeting. Library. A resolution was passed thanking Mrs- McCart'hy Mahony for a gift for the Library of 162 volumes from the library of the late Lord Justice Ronan. Election of President and Vice-Presidents. The Council elected Mr. T. G. Quirke to be President of the Society, and Mr. L. J. Ryan and Mr. J. J. Lynch to be Vice- Presidents of the Society for the ensuing twelve months. Extra-ordinary Members. The names of the following were submitted by the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland to serve as Extra-ordinary Members 9th December. Nineteen Members present.
16th December. Twenty-two Members present. Statutory Committee.
The Secretary reported that the Chief Justice had appointed the following seven members of the Council to be the Statutory Committee for the year ending 26th Novem– ber, 1926 : -Mr. Quirke, Mr. MacDermott, Mr. Moore, Mr. Orpen, Mr. Seddall, Mr. Tallan, an-! Mr. \Yarren. Committees. The Co.-.r; cf Examiners and the Com– mittees of t ,e Council were appointed. Solicitors' Annual Certificates. Members are reminded that their Annual Certificates for the year ending 5th January, 1927, should be taken out, and the duties paid thereon, before 6th February, 1926. The Certificates of Solicitors whose offices are situate in the Irish Free State, are issued in the office of the Incorporated Law Society
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