The Gazette 1924-27
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
The prizes for the Session 1924-25 are awarded as follows : ORATORY. Incorporated Law Society's Gold Medal Thomas Maguire. Debating Society's Silver Medal John J. Nash. Special Certificates John Grogan, Patrick J. Loftus. LEGAL DEBATE. President's Gold Medal Frederick W. Moorhead. Society's Silver Medal John Grogan. IMPROMPTU SPEECHES. Cussen Gold Medal Patrick J. Loftus. Cussen Silver Medal Patrick Byrne. Library. The Council acknowledge with thanks the following gifts to the Society's Library: Mr. Gerald E. Grove-White: Anson. Contracts (10th Ed., 1903). Archbold. Crim. Pleading (22nd Ed.), 1900. Farwell. Powers (1874). Johnson. An Essay on the Science of Law (Part 4, 1894). Kenny. Crim. Law (1901). Manual Military Law (1914). Mews Digest (1898-1914 and 1916). Pollock. Partnership (8th Ed., 1905). Pollock. Contracts (6th Ed., 1894). Probyn. Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries (1876). Saunders. Precedents of Indictments (3rd Ed., 1904). Stephen. Evidence (5th Ed., 1899). Times Law Reports Digests (1884-1905). Wylie. Judicature Acts (1906). Mr. Leonard Webb: Law Times Reports (Vols. 98-105). ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTU (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin.
Rules of Court. No Rules of Court for any of the Courts set up under the Courts of Justice Act, 1924, have yet been approved by either of the Houses of the Oireachtas. Both Houses have adjourned until the first week in November, and as Section 101 of the Act provides that: " No Rules of Court made under this Act shall come into operation unless and until they have been laid before each house of the Oireachtas, and have been approved by Resolution of each of such House," no Rules under the Act can come into operation before November next. the County and City of Limerick Sessional Bar Association the following resolution, passed by the Committee of that Association on the 2nd July : Resolved : " That as it has been found " that the present practice of hearing Appeals " from the Circuit Court is inconvenient, " expensive, and in every way unsatisfactory " both to the Bar, Solicitors and their clients, " we are of opinion that the system of having " said Appeals heard by the High Court on " notes of evidence should be discontinued, " and that all said Appeals should be heard j " on viva voce evidence before either Judges j " of the High Court or Commissioners j " appointed for that purpose sitting at " various local centres." The Council request the Sessional Bar Associations of the Irish Free State to consider this resolution, and communicate their views thereon to the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. Circuit Court Appeals. The Council have received from Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society. j The following is the result of the elections of Auditor, Officers and Committee for the Session 1925-26: Auditor Patrick Byrne.
Secretary Gerald J. O'Donnell. Treasurer Austin R. Farrell.
Committee Patk. J. Loftus (ex-Auditor), Desmond R. Counahan, Terence K. Listen, Thomas Maguire, Joseph Barrett.
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