The Gazette 1924-27
[JUNE, 1925
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society ol Ireland.
New Members. The following have joined the Society : Fottrell, Henry B., 11 Anglesea Street, Dublin. Knight, George W., Clones. Centenary of the Law Society of England. The following telegrams have passed in reference to the above : 1. " 3rd June, 1925. " Cook, Secretary, Law Society, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. " The President and Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland tender to the President and Council of the Law Society of England hearty congratulations and 'best wishes on the attainment by the ' ' Law Society of its centenary. \Vakely, ' Secretary, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin." 2. " 4th June, 1925. " Wakely, Secretary, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin. " The President and Council of the Law Society thank very cordially the President and Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland for their kind con– gratulations, which are greatly appreciated. Cook." Library. The Council acknowledge with thanks the following gifts to the Society's Library : Mr. Robert Grove-White, B.L., Examiner, Irish Land Commission. A complete set of the Revised Reports (152 vols.), 1705-1865. Mr. M. J. Byrne. Society's Calendars for 1897, 1902 and 1904. Messrs. Franks and Oulton. Society's Calendars for 1886 and 1904. Messrs. French and French. Final Report, Financial Relations between Great Britain and Ireland, 1896; Report, Viceregal Com– mission on Poor Law Reform, Vol. I., 1906 ; Report, Trusts Administration, 1895 ; Report, Estates Commissioners, 1906 ;
Costs Committee. .A report upon a query was submitted, the query being as to the scale under which the costs of leases of nine dwellinghouses should be drawn, the leases being each for 999 years, and the rents being standard rents fixed on agreement by the Judge of the late County Court. The Committee expressed the opinion that the costs should be drawn under the scale applicable to leases at rack-rent. The report was adopted.
20th May.
Twenty-one Members present. Certificates of Redemption Values.
A letter was read from a member in reference "to the desirability of the Land Commission expediting the furnishing of redemption value certificates, and a reply was directed that the marking of envelopes containing applications for such certificates as for the Collection Department of the Land Commission, would help towards expediting a reply. High Court Orders. A letter was read in reply from Mr. G. Horan, K.C., stating that by reason of the supply of stationery having run out, copies of High Court Orders had been issued on single sheets, but that a supply having oeen received, the double sheets are now in use again. Obituary. MR. CYRIL F. McC.AY, Solicitor, died upon the 10th May, 1925. Mr. McCay served his apprenticeship with Mr. Samuel Jones, Cavan ; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1918, and practised at Cavan. MR. JOHN A. LONG, Solicitor, died upon the 13th May, 1925. Mr. Long served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Patrick Maxwell, Londonderry ; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1901, and practised at 74 Dame Street, Dublin.
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