The Gazette 1924-27
Knrnrjmrateir fafo
Vol. XVIII., No. 5]
November, 1924.
BALLOT FOR COUNCIL. The Ballot for election of Council will be held on Friday, 21st November, from eleven o'clock to one o'clock, in the Secretary's office, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin. Voting papers should reach the Secretary not later than one o'clock on the 21st inst. HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING. The Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society will be held at Two o'clock, p.m., on Wednesday, 26th November, in the Moles- worth Hall, Molesworth Street, Dublin. A letter in reply was read from the Inland Revenue, stating that Land Registry Stamps are on sale at College Green Post Office and will be on sale at the Law Courts. Land Act, 1923. The procedure on the hearing of Appeals before the Judicial Commissioner under Sec. 25 was referred to the Land Act Com– missioners for consideration. Costs Query. The report of the Costs Committee on the following query was submitted and adopted : As between Lessor and Lessee should the Lessee bear as portion of the costs of the MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. October 1st. Twenty-one Members present. Land Registry.
Lease, the costs of the Solicitor for a Mort– gagee, for approving of draft lease and obtaining the execution of lease and memorial by Mortgagee as a granting party. The Committee expressed the opinion that in the absence of an agreement to the contrary the Lessee is not liable to pay the costs of the Mortgagee's Solicitor (See Fletcher v. Dyson, 1903, 2 Ch.) 15th. Twenty-five Members present. Court of Examiners. The report on the result of the Inter– mediate Examination, was adopted. A report was submitted on an application by an intending apprentice for leave to be bound under Section 16 was submitted, and the application was granted. Solicitors' Acts. A claim made by an Auctioneer in the country for remuneration for performing work which should only be performed by a Solicitor was considered. It was ordered that further information be requested, and when received, submitted to Counsel for his opinion with a view to proceedings for penalties being instituted. October 29th. Twenty-three Members present. Court of Examiners. The report on the results of the Preliminary and Final Examinations, and the awards of Scholarships was submitted and adopted. October
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