The Gazette 1924-27
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Vol. XX, No. 8]
Inland Revenue Adjudications. The Council having directed a letter to be written to the Solicitor of the Revenue Commissioners drawing attention to the inconvenience caused to the profession by reason of the letters requesting Solicitors to call at the Inland Revenue Office in reference to queries, not containing a statement as to nature of the query, or specifying the document (if any) required to be produced, a letter was read from the Solicitor of the Revenue Commissioners in reply stating that he had given instructions to the officers concerned to meet the objection referred to. Obituary. MR. LEWIS F. SMITH, Solicitor, died upon the 3rd January, 1927, at Birkdale, South- port. Mr. Smith was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1892, and practised at 13 St. Stephen's Green, North, Dublin, up to 1918, when he retired. MR. EDWARD MOORE, Solicitor, died upon the 7th January, 1927, at his residence, 54 Leeson Park, Dublin. Mr. Moore served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. W. M. Moore, was admitted in Michaelmas Term, 1874, and practised at 8 Anglesea Street, Dublin, in partnership with his brother, Mr. James Moore, under the style of W. M. Moore & Son.
Meeting of the Council.
13th January. Nineteen Members present. Extra-ordinary Members.
The names of the following were submitted by the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland to serve as Extra-ordinary Members of the Council for year ending 26th Novem– ber, 1927: Mr. Joseph I. Donaghy, Mr.. J. Alien, Mr. S. G. Crymble, Mr. J. B. McCutcheon, and Mr. S. Ross. Statutory Committee. A letter was read from the Chief Justice appointing the following Members of the Council to be the Statutory Committee for year ending 26th November, 1927: Mr. Sheridan, Mr. MacDermott, Mr. Moore, Mr. Orpen, Mr. Ouirke, Mr. Tallan and Mr. Warren. Bankruptcy and Winding-up of Companies Laws. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Department of Industry and Commerce stating that the Minister proposes to appoint a Commission to consider whether amend– ments in the law and procedure relating to Bankruptcy and the Winding-up of Com– panies are desirable, and requesting the President and Council to nominate three members of the Society to act on the Com– mission. The_ Council nominated the President, Mr." Seddall and Mr. Basil Thompson.
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