The Gazette 1924-27
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
The Senior Class Lectures will begin on Tuesday, llth January. The lectures will be delivered at 45 Kildare Street. There will be twelve lectures during Hilary Sittings, delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays at two o'clock, p.m.
Library. The Council acknowledge with thanks the gift of the following books from the repre– sentatives of the late Mr. W. J. Ryan. Solicitor, per Mr. D. J. Reilly, Solicitor : Irish Law Times Digest, 1867-1893. The Council would be glad to acquire for the Library the following volumes of Irish Law Times to complete the set : Volumes 1868-1870, inclusive, and Volumes 1875- 1887, inclusive. Lectures, Hilary Sittings, 1927. The Junior Class Lectures will begin on Thursday, 13th January. The lectures will be delivered in the Royal College of Surgeons. There will be twelve lectures during Hilary Sittings delivered on Mondays and Thursdays at two o'clock, p.m. Irish Law Times, Vols. 40-58. New Irish Jurist, Vols. 1-5.
Tables showing Judicial Rents, Standard Purchase Annuity, Price payable to Tenant and Price payable to Owner on all Judicial Rents. By GEORGE M. MEARE8, Solicitor. 5/- nett. Publishers : HELY'S LIMITED, Dame Street, DUBLIN. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin.
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