The Gazette 1924-27
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AUGUST, 1926.
Vol. XX, No. 4]
Meeting of the Council.
Mr. Alfred E. Brett, under the style of L'Estrange and Brett, at 9 Chichester Street, Belfast. MR. JOHN READ, Solicitor, died upon the 18th July, 1926, at Claremount, Carrick- mines, County Dublin. Mr. Read served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. William Read ; was admitted in Hilary Term, 1866, and practised formerly in partnership with his father, and after his death with the late Mr. Edward S. Macnab, under the style of Read and Macnab, at 4 Dawson Street, Dublin, up to the year 1921, when he retired. Statutes; 1926. List of Statutes passed by the Oireachtas during the present year : 1. Courts of Justice. 2. Electricity Supply (Special Powers). 3. River Owenmore Drainage. 4. Medical. 5. Oil in Navigable Waters. 6. Adaptation of Charters. 7. Industrial Trust Company of Ireland, Ltd. (Acquisition of Capital). 8. Acquisition of Land (Allotments). 9. Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions). 10. Police Forces Amalgamation (Amend– ment). 11. Land.
15th July.
Twenty-four Members present.
Court of Examiners. Reports were submitted on three applica– tions for leave to be bound under Section 16 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898. The Council granted two of these applications and the third was refused. Adjournment. The Council adjourned until Thursday, 7th October, unless otherwise specially summoned. Obituary. MR. JOSEPH T. MAXWELL, Solicitor, died upon the 20th May, 1926, at Subiaco, Perth, Western Australia. Mr. Maxwell served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Sir Patrick Maxwell, Dublin ; was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1884, and practised as a member of the firm of Maxwell, Weldon & Co., Dublin, up to the year 1897, when he left this country to reside in Australia. SIR CHARLES H. BRETT, Solicitor, died upon the 17th July, 1926, at Gretton, Malone, Belfast. Sir Charles was admitted in Hilary Term, 1861, and practised in partnership with
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