The Gazette 1924-27
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
JUNE, 1926]
and the Professor appointed will be eligible for re-appointment for each of the four succeeding years. A candidate for the Professorship must be either a practising Barrister or a practising Solicitor (in each case of not less than six years standing), and he should send his appli– cation on or before the 17th June, to the Secretary, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. The duties of the Professor consist of : Delivering twelve lectures in Michaelmas Sittings, twelve lectures in Hilary Sittings, eighteen lectures in Easter and Trinity Sittings (making in all forty-two lectures in the year) ; the holding of a viva voce examination in the subjects of the lectures, to ascertain if the apprentice be deserving of a certificate of attendance at the lectures ; and (when required by the Council) assisting in examining at the Final Examination. The lectures take place on Tuesdays and Fridays, 1 to 2 o'clock, p.m. (or such other days or hour as the Council may fix), at 45 KUdare Street, Dublin. Intermediate Examination. An Intermediate Examination will be held on Thursday, first day of July, 1926, in the Royal College of Surgeons, Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Notice of intention to attend should be lodged in the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, before 22nd June. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin.
The following were elected officers for the coming year : President President of the Incorporated Law Society, i
Captain F. D. Darley. Secretary H. Horan. Committee Messrs.
J. Moore, R. G. Warren, Basil Thompson, P. M. Scales, and J. T. Hamerton. A Dinner was held in the evening, at which forty-six members were present. It is intended to hold a competition in the autumn, of which due notice will be given. New Members. The following have joined the Society : Godfrey, William E., Wexford. Jameson, Leopold J., 16 Lr. Sackville Street, Dublin. Margetson, Edward A., 11 Ely Place, Dublin. Martin, Derrick M., Monaghan. O'Reilly, Mrs. D. M., 66 Dame Street, Dublin. Russell, James A., Ballinasloe. Professorship of Equity, Real Property, and Conveyancing. The Council will, on Thursday, 24th June, 1926, appoint a Professor of Equity, Real Property Law and Conveyancing, who will enter on his duties next Michaelmas Sittings. The appointment will be made for one year,
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