The Gazette 1921-25



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December, 1922.

Vol. XVI., No. 6.]


15th November. Twenty-six Members present. District Justices.

Meetings of the Council.

1st November. Twenty-four Members present. Destroyed Records.

A letter was read from the Minister for Home Affairs informing the Council of the names of fourteen District Justices, seven Barristers and seven Solicitors, who had been appointed, and enclosing particulars of the areas over which the new District Justices will operate. The letter further stated that in addition to the fourteen there would be eight others acting for the present in an auxiliary capacity. Register of British Stocks. The President stated that he had been requested to co-operate with representatives of Banking interests, the Stock Exchange, and the Chamber of Commerce to secure the retention at the Bank of Ireland, Dublin, of the registers of British Stocks held by persons resident in the Free State. The Council passed the following resolu tion :— " RESOLVED.—The Council of the Incor porated Law Society of Ireland, having considered the proposal to transfer the Register of British Government Securities from the Bank of Ireland, Dublin, so far

It was resolved that the Destroyed Records Committee should have an interview with the Accountant-General of the Supreme Court to discuss questions arising out of the destruction of the records of his office. Courts and Offices. A report was read from the Committee dealing with matters arising out of the proposed transfer of the Courts and Offices to Dublin Castle. The report dealt with the allocation of various rooms for Courts and Offices as a consequence of an inspection of the rooms by the Committee. The report was adopted, and copies directed to be sent to the Lord Chief Justice, the Law Officer, and Sir Philip Hanson.Commissioner of Public Works. Annual Report. The draft Annual Report .of the Council was considered and adopted.

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