The Gazette 1921-25
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
JULY & AUG., 1922]
2 Ex. Div., 5 C. P.,
Law Reports,
The Society's Library. The following books were out on loan when the Society's Library was destroyed ; any of these books may now be borrowed by application to the Secretary, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin :— Abraham : Lunacy. Baker: Costs. Bell & Armstrong : Minors. Browning & Smith: Registration of Title. Bunyon : Fire Insurance. Carleton : County Court. Chalmers & Owen : Marine Insurance. Cherry & Wakely : Land Acts Colles: Lunacy. Conner : Fisheries. Copinger : Copyright. Daniells' Chancery Practice. Do. Chancery Forms. Darby & Bosanquet: Statutes Limitations. Davidson : Conveyancing. Dublin Corporation Act, 1890. Dunstan : Hire Purchase. of Encyclopaedia of Forms. 9 and 15. Vols. 2, 5, 7, Fenian Conspiracy: Queen v. Kelly, 1871.
9 & 15 Ch. Div. ;
8 A.C. ; 3 Ch. ;
(1898) 2 Ch.)
(1893) 1 Ch. ;
(1915) 1 Ch. Law Reports (1904), 1 K.B. Law Reports, Ireland Law Times Reports.
Vols. 6 and 26. Vols. 9, 121 and
123. Lindley : Partnership. Maxwell: Interpretation of Statutes. Do. Probate. Moore : Agreements. Do. Forms. Nelson : Probate. O'Connor : Licensing. Palmer : Co. Precedents. Pt. I. Do. Co. Law. Pollock : Partnership. Redman : Arbitration. Reported Cases on Costs. Ringwood : Torts. Russell: Arbitration. Shirley's Leading Cases. Slater : Arbitration. Snelling: Excess Profits. Statutes, United Kingdom. Vol. 14. Do. 1889. Do. Revised. Vol. 8. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1908. Strahan : Law of Property. Supreme Court Rules, 1905. Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence. Vol. I. Times Law Reports. Vol. 37. Vanston's Local Government Supple ment to Vol. II. Welford: Fire Insurance. White & Tudor : Leading Cases. II. Williams : Bankruptcy. Do. Executors. Do. Personal Property. Willis: Workmen's Compensation. Wright : Principal and Agent. Wurtzburg: Building Societies. Vol.
Fuller : Friendly Societies. Gore-Browne : Companies. Greenwood : Conveyancing. Hanson : ment. Hayes & Jarman : Wills. Henry : Costs. Vol. II. Hunt: Boundaries and Fences. Irish Law Times Reports.
Death Duties, and Supple
Vols. 41
and 46. Irish Reports (1899) I., (1913) II., and (1918) I. Irish Reports, 7 C.L. Kerr : Fraud and Mistake. Key & Elphinstone: Conveyancing. Vol. II.
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