The Gazette 1921-25


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April, 1922.


Vol. XV., No. 10.]

Meetings of the Council.

admitted and practised at Donegal! Square, North, Belfast. MR. RICHARD S. HOLLAND, Solicitor, died upon the llth March, 1922, at his residence Church Street, Omagh. Mr. Holland served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. George Twibill, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1883, and practised at Omagh. MR. ELLIOTT McNEiLL, Solicitor, died' upon the 19th March, 1922, in Dublin. Mr. McNeill served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John Torrens, Belfast; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1895, and practised in partnership with Mr. Basil Thompson, under the style of Messrs. Bennett Thompson and McNeill, 48 Dame Street, Dublin. Commissioner to Administer Oaths. The Lord Chief Justice of Ireland has appointed the following to be a Commissioner to administer Oaths :— Mrs. Mary P. Gilhooly, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Bantry. New Members. The following joined the Society during March :— Daniel O'Leary, Arklow. Joseph J. Tallon, 78 Dame Street, Dublin. ' * in Trinity Sittings, 1890,

22nd March. Twenty-five Members present. Costs Committee.

A report from the Costs Committee upon the following queries was submitted, and the replies were adopted :— 1. How should the costs be drawn of a deed whereby in consideration of a sum of £59 2s. Od. the use of a party wall was demised and granted for the term of one life, subject to covenants to construct a gutter to carry off rain water, and to keep wall in repair ? The reply was that the costs should be drawn under the old system as altered by Schedule II. of the General Order under the Solicitors Remuneration Act. 2. Is a lessee liable to pay the costs of the Solicitor for a mortgagee of the lessor's interest, who has joined in the lease for the purpose of enabling a lessor to make an effective lease ? The reply was that, in the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the lessee is not liable to pay the costs of the mortgagee's Solicitor. (See Fletcher v. Dyson, 1903, 2 Ch.) Obituary. MR. EDWARD STANLEY JONES, Solicitor, died upon the 2nd March, 1922, at his residence, 3 Wilmont Terrace, Lisburn Road, Belfast. Mr. Jones served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Edward Bates, Belfast; was

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