The Gazette 1921-25
THE GAZETTE OF THE Inrrrrmrrateit fain ^0d£tu 0f frdan I ° '-s ^
Vol. XV., No. 9.]
March, 1922.
Costs Query. A report from the Costs Committee upon the following query was submitted, and the reply of the Committee was adopted:— How should the costs be drawn of a lease of licensed premises in the City of Dublin for the term of twenty-one years, in considera tion of premium of £60, and yearly rent of £50, clear of all rates and taxes. The poor law valuation of premises is £28 ? The reply of the Committee was that the costs should be drawn under Schedule I., Part II., Table 1, of the General Order of 16th April, 1884, made under the Solicitors Remuneration Act, as amended by the General Order of 17th May, 1920. Obituary. MR. MATTHEW D. McCov, Solicitor, died upon the 1st February, 1922, at Dublin. Mr. McCoy served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John Ryan, Limerick; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1892, and practised at Limerick under the style of Messrs. Ryan and McCoy. MR. W. BURROUGHS STANLEY, Solicitor, died upon the 8th February, 1922, at his residence, Caerleon, Killiney, County Dublin. Mr. Stanley served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Hugh B. Stanley, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas Term,. 1870, and practised at 59 Dawson Street, Dublin, in partnership with Mr. William McFerran and Mr. Wm. H. Roper, under the style of Messrs.
Meetings of the Council.
22nd February. thirty Members present. Death of Mr. W. B. Stanley.
A resolution was passed expressing the regret of the Council at the death of Mr. W. Burroughs Stanley, a past President. of the Society, and expressing sympathy with Mrs. . Stanley in her bereavement. Death of Mrs. Franks. . A resolution was passed expressing the sympathy of the Council with Mr. Thomas C. Franks, a past President of the Society in his bereavement through the death of his wife. Treasury Grant. A correspondence with the Treasury in reference to payment to the Society of the annual grant-in-aid was submitted, and directions given as to further letter to be written to the Treasury. Applications by Law Clerks. Reports were submitted from the Court of Examiners on applications of four Law Clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16. Two of the applications were granted, and two were refused.
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