The Gazette 1921-25
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society ol Ireland*
day assembled at their Half-yearly General Meeting are due and are hereby tendered; to. William J. Shannon., President of the Society 1908-9, James Henry,, President of the- Society 1912-13, and Arthur E. Bradley,. President of the Society 1,914-15, on their retirement from, the Council of this Society,, for the long and valuable services, rendered; by them, one and. all* to the Society while serving on the Council, and this, meeting; hereby records their, sincere appreciation and, great regret on, their retirement." MR. QUAIDi, pursuant to notice, moved the following resolution :—" That the Council of the Society do make an immediate representation; to the Executive Government that the provisions of the Colonial Solicitors' Act be so,extended as to reciprocally operate.; between Ireland, and: Great Britain. MR. E. B. MAGUIRE, seconded the resolution which was supported by MR:. GEOGHEGAN. MR. W. S. HAYES pointed out the difficulties, in. the way of accomplishing by, the resolution what was sought to be : effected, and suggested a, resolution in the following terms :—" That the question of, reciprocity between the Solicitors' professions in England and Ireland, be referred to. the Council for consideration, and that the Council do report to the May, Meeting of the Society, or earlier if it be desirable." MR. QUAID withdrew his resolution and, that suggested by Mr. Hayes was. adopted. Mr. Edwards, V.P., having taken the chair, SIR GEORGE ROCHE moved and. Mr.' James Henry seconded a hearty vote oi. thanks to the President which was passed and the President returned thanks. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to,the,Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings;.Four Gp.urts,.Dublia
the expediency of, seeing that wlien i» Dublin, he or she, as the case may be, joins and attends this Debating Society, as I regard it essential from an educational point of view,. In conclusion, I would like to quote a letter I received from Mr. Justice Gibson—a great Judge—on the occasion, of his recent retirement:—" I have ever " cherished a warm and attached interest in " your branch of our profession, its welfare " and dignity, and I trust that whatever may " betide, it will continue to, maintain, and " uphold, its high position, enjoying as " happily hitherto it has always done, public " confidence and respect." I reciprocate most earnestly this eloquent tribute of. the learned Judge, and bequeath his words, to you as a watchword, for your future. Above all I implore of you to be cheerful and optimistic of the future'of our country, to discountenance the pessimistic exodus that has marked the past year ; to lend all your goodwill, sympathy and energies to help in the task of reconstruction, and, encourage the promotion of a full and en lightened spirit of toleration. Better days are before us, conciliation and diplomacy are the proper weapons for settle ment of National disputes, and the true discipline and self respect of National life must and will assert itself and prevail. MR. EDWARDS, Vice-President, seconded the adoption of the Annual Report. MR. QUAID thanked the Council for the attention they had given to the reference from the Half-yearly Meeting of last May on the subject of the intervention of the Crown in actions brought against persons for acts done in their judicial capacity. MR. LLOYD-BLOOD and MR. JAMES BRADY having spoken, the Annual Report was adopted. MR. LLOYD-BLOOD with the consent of the meeting moved and MR. C. P. WILSON seconded the following resolution, which was passed.:—"That the grateful,thanks of the Incorporated I^aw. Society, of Ireland this
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