The Gazette 1921-25
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August, 1921.
Vol. XV., No 4.]
Meetings of the Council.
Obituary. MR. ROBERT DICKIE, Solicitor, died upon the llth July, 1921, at his residence, Fairhill, Dundalk. Mr. Dickie served his apprenticeship with Mr. James Henry, Dublin ; was admitted in Trinity, 1888, and practised at Roden Place, Dundalk, in partnership with Mr. A. S. Coulter and Mr. Goodlett Hamill as Dickie, Coulter and Hamill. CAMERON, Solicitor, died upon the 13th July, 1921, at Rockfort, Sandycove, Co. Dublin. Mr. Cameron served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. W. Milward Jones, Dublin ; was admitted in Hilary, 1888, and practised at 6 Dawson Street, Dublin, in partnership with Mr. Henry P. Mayne, as Milward Jones and Cameron. He was a Director of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association. MR. ALEXANDER CHISHOLM MR. PATRICK KENT, Solicitor, died upon the 17th July, 1921, at his residence, Ardenagh, Waterford. Mr. Kent served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Shapland M. Tandy, Dublin ; was admitted in Trinity, 1878, and practised at Waterford. MR. FLORENCE W. MCCARTHY, Solicitor, Town Clerk of Cork, died upon the 23rd July, 1921, at South Infirmary, Cork. Mr. McCarthy served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John Stanton, Cork ; was admitted in Hilary, 1900, and was appointed Town Clerk of Cork in 1901.
July Wi. Twenty-seven Members present. Court of Examiners.
Reports were submitted on applications from four Law Clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16. Three of the applications were granted ; the fourth was refused. Claims for Death Duties. The draft clauses to be inserted in Finance Bill, received from the Registrar of Estates Duties, in reference to the procedure to be adopted where the Inland Revenue, owing to the destruction of documents, are unable to give a certificate of no claim for duty in relation to property being sold in Court, also in reference to the costs of furnishing informa tion to the Inland Revenue, were considered. It was decided to request that a further clause dealing with cases of sales of property by private contract, where owing to the destruction of documents a certificate of no claim for duty cannot be given, should also be inserted in the Bill. July 2Qth. Eighteen Members present. Claims for Death Duties. A reply was read from the Inland Revenue, stating that they did not see sufficient reason for putting forward a clause for insertion in the Finance Bill dealing with inability to give certificates of no claim for duty in respect of sales of property by private contract. The clauses inserted in the Finance Bill on report stage dealing with this matter were submitted. They appear in this GAZETTE. Adjournment. The Council adjourned until 5th October.
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