The Gazette 1921-25
Vol. XV., No 3.]
July, 1921.
MR. WILLIAM L. CARSON, Solicitor, died upon the 13th June, 1921, at Dublin. Mr. Carson served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Peter Lambert, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas Term, 1875, and practised formerly in partnership with the late Mr. H. S. Mecredy in Dublin, and after wards at Moynalty, Co Meath, up to the year 1919, when he retired. New Members. The following have joined the Society:— John J. Early, 16 Henry Street, Dublin. J. H. B. Gunning, Solicitor's Depart ment, Inland Revenue, Dublin. Frederick C. MacNeice, 24 Dame Street, Dublin. Vincent P. McMullin, Ballybofey, Co. . Donegal. War Memorial. The following additional subscriptions have been received since those acknowledged in the issue of the Society's GAZETTE of last March :— Five guineas from Mr. H. R. Maunsell (2nd sub.). Two guineas each from Mr. A. H. S. Orpen (2nd sub.), Messrs. H. C. Neilson, Son and Dawson, Messrs. Moore, Keily and Lloyd, Mr. E. St. F. Collins, Mr. G. A. Overend, Messrs. W. Mooney and Son, and Messrs. -Matheson, Ormsby and Prentke. Two pounds from Mr. G. P. Girling (2nd sub.). One guinea each from Mr. W. T. Clare
Meetings of the Council.
June 8th. Twenty-sex-en Members present.
Examinations Results. The report of the Court of Examiners on the Preliminary and Final Examinations was submitted and adopted.
June 22nd. Twenty-eight Members present.
Professorship. The applications from candidates for the Professorship of Equity, Real Property, and Conveyam ,ng, were considered, and the Council elected Mr. J. Malvern White, B.A., LL.B., T.C.D., Solicitor, as Professor.
War Memorial.
It was decided that the ceremony of unveiling the War Memorial in the Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, should be performed by the President of the Society on 8th July.
Obituary. MR. ROBERT 0. NORWOOD, Solicitor, died upon the 4th June, 1921, at Dublin. Mr. Norwood served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Andrew E. Johnston, 3 Palace Street, Dublin; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1889, and practised at 179 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin, up to 1917.
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