The Gazette 1921-25
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
MR. CHARLES J. McGAHON, Solicitor, died upon the 9th November, 1924, at Dublin. Mr. McGahon served his apprenticeship- with the late Mr. William R. Rogers, Dundalk, was admitted in Michaelmas. Sittings, 1904, and practised at Dundalk, and recently at 35 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin. MR. WILLIAM J. BYRNE, Solicitor, died upon the 19th November, 1924, at his- residence, Clifton House, Monkstown, Co. Dublin. Mr. Byrne served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. Gerald'Byrne, 7 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1909, and practised in partnership with Mr. E. H. Burne and Mr. G. A. C. Byrne,. at 7 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. New Members. The following joined the Society during November :— Kirwan, Laurence, Wexford. Lavan, John A., Newcastle West. Rice, Edmond A., Fermoy. Verrington, Patrick F., Carrick-on-Suir. Lectures, Hilary Sittings, 1925. Lectures will be delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, Stephen's Green, Dublin, at two o'clock, p.m., on the following dates:— JUNIOR CLASS.
for the .hearing of County Dublin District Court cases from outlying parts of County .Dublin. . MR. E. J. MALLINS'suggested that com- . pensation awards for damages and for costs should not both be paid by the same draft, but that there should be separate drafts for the amount of the damages and for the amount of the costs. MR. J. P. COLLINS drew attention to the want of a room for the use of Solicitors at the Law Courts, and urged that the matter should the resolution adopting the" Report "to the meeting and it was passed. Upon the.motion of Sir George Roche the chair was taken by Mr. Keller, Vice-President, and Sir George Roche moved, and Mr. P. J. Brady seconded a cordial vote of thanks to the President, which was passed with acclama tion, and the President returned thanks. The New President. The Council have elected Mr. Arthur H. S. Orpen, B.A., LL.D., T.C.D., of the firm of Messrs. Orpen and Sweeny, of 33 Anglesea Street, Dublin, to be President of the Society for the ensuing twelve months. The newly- elected President served his apprenticeship with his father, Mr. Arthur H. Orpen, M.A., and was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1898. ' In November, 1912, Mr. Orpen was first elected on the Council, and in 1915-16 he was a Vice-President of the Society. He served in France in the great war, and held the rank of Lieutenant in the Army Service Corps. He is a grandson of the late Sir Richard Orpen, who from 1860-76 was President of the Society, and he is brother of Mr. Charles St. G. Orpen, who was President of the Society in 1915-16. Obituary. MR. PATRICK J. BRODERICK, Solicitor, died - upon the 2nd November, 1924, at Dublin. Mr. Broderick was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1892, and practised at Castleisland up to the year 1905. receive immediate attention. THE PRESIDENT put
January 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29. February 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19. SENIOR CLASS. January 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30. February 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20.
ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should- be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,. 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin.
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