The Gazette 1921-25

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.



The fee allowed at (c) and (d) £ shall not include Companies' charges or (where advertise ments or guarantees are re quired) the costs of such ad vertisements and fee to Guarantee Co. (e) Obtaining substituted Policy of Insurance ... ... ... 2 2 (/) Remaking Will (or where testa tor dead, procuring evidence of contents) ... ... ... 2 s.


notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 13 of the Act of 1923, the Minister for Finance may issue Securities created 03' an order made under that Section to applicants in cases within Section 15 of the Act of 1923 in discharge of a sum not exceeding the sum mentioned in pursuance of paragraph (b) of Sub-Section (3) of Section 15 in the report made b}' the Judge under that Section. The Minister for Finance has pursuant to Sec. 11 of the Damages to Property Act, 1923, after consultation with the Law Officer and the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, prescribed the following scale of compensation for destruction of or damage to documents :— (1) £ s. d. (a) Replacing lost leases or deeds— 1st deed (original or copy)' ... 2 2 0




Procuring Copy Probate of Will, Letters of Administra tion, and any necessary outlay 0 13 4

(g) Official copy of Court Order, affidavit or other document relating to legal proceedings, and any necessary outlay ...

0 10


(2) (a) The above scale applies to cases in which the documents in question have been totally destroyed. (b) In cases of damage only, a fair and reason able proportion of the compensation payable in respect of total destruction shall be allowed in accordance with the Judge's assessment of the damage done, the above figures being regarded as maxima, subject to (c) below. (c) The increase of 50 per cent, authorised by the Rules made in 1920, pursuant to the Solicitors Remuneration Act, 1881, shall be applicable to the above scale. District Courts. The Minister for Justice has made an Order entitled "The Under-Sheriffs' arid " Bailiffs' District Court Fees (No. 2) Order, " 1924," containing the scale of fees charge able by and payable to Under-Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other persons for their services in or about the execution of decrees of the District Court in civil cases. Copies of the Order can be obtained from Messrs. Eason and Son, 40 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin, price threepence. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin.

Each deed after first, relating to the same property (original) or copy) ... ... ... In addition there shall be allowed any necessary outlay in respect of scrivenery charges, stamp duties and the usual attend ance fee (10s.). Such scri venery charges shall not exceed sixpence per folio of 72 words for copies and one shilling per folio for originals (both in clusive of 50 per cent, in crease) . Memorial of deed or copy of Landed Estates Court con veyance, and any necessary outlay ... ... ... ... As an alternative to above and in cases where.really necessary, registration of the title in the Land Registry and on pro duction of Certificate of Title, inclusive sum of ... ... Judge's Order for liberty to issue duplicate Land Certificate and obtaining same ... ... (b) Replacing Contracts or Agree ments in Writing (original or copy) ... ... ... ... (c) Obtaining new Debentures ... (d) Obtaining new Stock or Share Certificate or other document

0 10


0 13








0 10





of title to any stock or share 110

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