The Gazette 1921-25
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Vol. XVII., No. 9.]
March, 1924.
27th February. Twenty-five Members present. Damage to Property
I3ih February. Twenty-one Members present. Court Officers (Temporary Appointments) Bill. A letter in reply was read from the Minister of Home Affairs giving in detail the reasons for the necessity of this Bill, and his reasons for not accepting the amendments suggested by the Council. Law Courts. A letter in reply was read from Mr. Horan, K.C., stating that he hoped in the near future a waiting room at the Law Courts, Dublin Castle, would be set aside for the exclusive use of Solicitors. Land Act, 1923. A memorandum containing a suggested scale of remuneration by commission for Vendor's Solicitors under the Land Act, 1923, was adopted. Copies of this memorandum may be obtained by members from the Secretary.
(Compensation) Act,
1923. It was resolved to request the Minister of Finance to give his consent to the applica tion retrospectively of the Criminal Injuries Costs Rules of 1924. It was also resolved to request the Minister of Finance to prepare under Section 11 (1) of the Act a scale for compensation in respect of destroyed documents. British Income Tax. A letter in reply was read from the Secretary, Inland Revenue, Somerset House, stating that the Board had given their careful consideration to the request that declarations by Irish Free State. Citizens might be made before Commissioners of Oaths in addition to those persons named in the form of declaration, but they regretted they are unable to accede to the request. It was decided to address a further communication on the subject to the Board. Indemnity Act, 1923. This Act, and the regulations made under it, were referred to the County Courts Committee for consideration.
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