The Gazette 1921-25
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
33 Molesworth Street, Dublin, price five shillings, by post five shillings and sixpence.
Labourers (Ireland) Acts. The Minister, for Local Government, after consultation with the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, has made the following rule, which appeared in the Dublin Gazette of 15th February, 1924 : " The Fees and the amounts specified in the scale of costs prescribed by Rule 52 of the Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1912, as substituted by the Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1914, shall be, and the same are hereby increased by an amount equiva lent to 50 per cent, of such prescribed fees and amounts." The Minister for Local Government has appointed Mr. Michael Dawson, Solicitor, of 20 Molesworth Street, Dublin, to act as Taxing Officer for the purposes of the Rule substituted by the Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1914, for Rule 52 of the Labourers (Ireland) Order, 1912.
Examinations, April, 1924. The Final Examination will be held on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days of April next, in the Royal College of Surgeons, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, at 10 o'clock, a.m., each day. Intending candidates should lodge their notices in the Secretary's Office, 33 Moles- worth Street, Dublin, before the 19th March. The Preliminary Examination will be held on the 10th and llth days of April, next, in the Royal College of Surgeons, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, at 10 o'clock, a.m., each day. Intending candidates should -lodge their notices in the Secretary's Office, 33 Moles- worth Street, Dublin, before 27th March. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin.
Society's Calendar.
The Society's Calendar
the Secretary's Office,
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