The Gazette 1921-25
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[JULY, 1923
From Mr. G. M. Meares : Law Society's Calendars for 1897 and 1908. Learoyd (S.) : Counsel, Solicitors and their Clients. Reports of Council ol Law Society for 1872 and 1886. Report Deputy Keeper Public Records, 1901. Report Legal Reform Committee. Smith's Probate Practice (4th edition) 1885. State Trials : The Queen v. Daniel O'Connell and ors., 1844. From Mr. P. N. Murphy : Edge : Leases. (2nd edition), 1884. Ferguson: Common Law Procedure Act, 1853. Cover: Title. (2nd edition), 1892. Hamilton : Charities. (2nd edition), 1881. Hayes: Criminal Statute Law, Ireland (2 vols.), 1842. Kisbey : Matrimonial Causes and Matters, 1871. Law Society's Calendar, 1886. Reilly : Summary Petitions, 1855. Stringer: Oaths. (2nd edition) 1893. ALL communications connected with Tut GAZETTH (other than advertisements) -should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin.
1923. Canals (Continuance of Charging Powers). Inspectors of Weights and Measures. Consolidated Fund and Appropriation. Exchequer and Financial Provisions. Petty Sessions Fees and Administration- Companies (Reconstitution of Records). Promissory Oaths. Criminal Law Amendment. Criminal Evidence.
Local Government (Roads). Unemployment Insurance. Intoxicating Liquor.
Library. The Council acknowledge with thanks the following gifts to the Society's Library :— From Mr. J. W. Dyas : Thorn's Directories for 1902, 1915 and 1918. From Mr. F. V. Gordon : Law Society's Calendars for 1905 and 1910.
From Mr. E. M. Lloyd : Johnson : English Dictionary, 1785.
From Mr. F. M. J. Lyons :
County Courts Act, Manitoba. Acts relating to Court of Appeal and Court of King's Bench, Manitoba.
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