The Gazette 1921-25
JUNE, 1923]
The Gazette of the incorporated Law Society oi Ireland.
SIR GEORGE ROCHE the President for his address, and congratulated the Council on the way its duties and work had been discharged under very difficult and trying circumstances. MR. JAMES BRADY drew attention to the inconvenient hours in the afternoon at which some of the sittings of District Justices' Courts were held ; he also asked if progress was being made in the application of the Colonial Solicitors Act, 1900, to the Irish Free State. MR. JOHN MORAN (Dublin) asked if the Council had any information as to the recommendations of the report of the- Judiciary Committee, as he had been informed that they had been seen by a member of the profession, and that they were not satisfactory. THE PRESIDENT, in reply, stated that the matter of the Colonial Solicitors Act was one in reference to which a diplomatic correspondence was at present being carried on, and as to the report of the Judiciary Committee, the proceedings of that Com mittee were private and confidential, and the Council had not, officially or unofficially, any information whatsoever in reference to the report of the Committee. The chair having been taken by Mr. Stirling (Vice-President), on the motion of Sir George Roche, seconded by Mr. James Henry, a cordial vote of thanks was passed to the President, who expressed his thanks. thanked
30th May. Twenty-four Members present. Private Bill Legislation.
It was decided to request the Government to have Standing Orders issued dealing with the procedure on the promotion of private Bills. Justices of the Peace. A the Secretary of the Minister of Home Affairs stating that Section 6 of the Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922, deprived Justices of the Peace of the power of exercising their legal functions. Appointments. Mr. Ronald H. Brown, Solicitor, Naas, has been appointed State Solicitor for the County of Kildare. Mr. Augustine J. C. Crean, Solicitor, Ballyhaunis, has been appointed Under Sheriff for the County of Mayo, in room of Mr. Thomas F. Rutledge, resigned. Mr. William P. P. Cahill, Solicitor, Charleville, has been appointed a District Justice. Obituary. MR. LEWIS F. KENNY, Solicitor, died upon the 7th May, 1923, at Dublin. Mr. Kenny served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Hugh Stuart Moore, 31 Moles- worth Street, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1900, and practised in partnership with Mr. Robert Scholefield, under the style of Messrs. Moore, Keily and Lloyd, at 31 Molesworth Street, Dublin. He was a member of the Council of the Society from July, 1922. letter in reply was read from MR. THOMAS C. MURPHY, Solicitor, died upon the 10th May, 1923. Mr. Murphy served his apprenticeship with Mr. Patrick Rooney, 21 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin ; was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1920, and practised at Macroom.
16th May. Twenty-five Members present. Death of Mr. L. F. Kenny.
A resolution was passed expressing the regret of the Council on the occasion of the death of their colleague, Mr. Lewis F. Kenny, and deep sympathy with Mrs. Kenny and the members of his family in their bereavement. Deeds lodged for Adjudication. It was decided to request the Inland Revenue to resume the practice of giving receipts to Solicitors for deeds lodged for adjudication of stamp duties.
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