The Gazette 1921-25
May, 1923.
Vol. XVII., No. 1.]
Stop Orders. A letter was read from a member drawing attention to the unsatisfactory position in reference to Stop Orders which were recorded in the books of the Accountant- General, the originals of which were destroyed in his office at the Four Courts as well as the books in which they were recorded. This question was referred to the Court and Offices Committee. Appointments. Mr. Francis Hanrahan, Solicitor, has been appointed Under Sheriff for the County Borough of Cork. Mr. John Jermyn, Solicitor, 67 South Mall, Cork, continues to fill the office of Under Sheriff of County Cork. Grants of Probate and Administration. The papers lodged in the Principal Registry, Dublin Castle, for the purpose of obtaining Grants will from and after the 1st May, be retained in the Registry. Those papers which prior to the 1st May.have been returned to Solicitors or applicants will not be called in for the present, as sufficient storage room is not yet available. The Society's Calendar, 1923. The Calendar of the Society for 1923 can be obtained at the Secretary's Office, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin. Price five shillings, by post five shillings and sixpence. There are a few copies remaining unsold.
Half-Yearly General Meeting. The Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society will be held at two o'clock p.m., on Wednesday, 16th May, 1923, in the Moles- worth Hall, Molesworth Street, Dublin. The business to be transacted includes the nomination of Scrutineers of Ballot for Council to be held on 21st November, 1923, and the election of Auditors of the accounts of the Society. Annual Subscriptions. Members are reminded that their annual subscription to the Society became due on the first day of May, as follows :— Town Members and Country Mem Members who have been admitted to the profession under three years 0 0 10 0 10 0 MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. April 25th. Twenty-three Members present. Accountant-General's Office. The Council decided to again bring before the Government the urgent necessity of in creasing the staff of the Accountant-General of the Supreme Court in order to enable him to open new Supreme Court Ledgers in place of those destroyed at the Four Courts. bers of more than three years' standing, entitled to vote at election of Ordinary Members of Council ... ... ... ... Other Country Members ... ...
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