The Gazette 1921-25


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Vol. XVI., No. 8.]

February, 1923.


Meetings of the Council.

31st January. Twenty-eight Members present.

11th January. Twenty-five Members present.

Accountant-General's Office. It "was decided again to take steps with a view to obtaining assistance for the Accountant-General of the Supreme Court in the matter of re-opening the various Accounts under his control. Taxing Office. Letters in reply were read from the Lord Chief Justice, the Law Officer, and the Chairman of the Board of Works in reference to accommodation for carrying on the work of the Taxing Office. District Justices. A letter was read from the Minister of Home Affairs intimating the names and addresses of twenty-six District Justices (ten Barristers and sixteen Solicitors) who had been appointed. The list appears in this GAZETTE. Rent Restrictions Act. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Committee (of which the President of this Society is a member) set up by the Govern ment to enquire into the operation of the Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1920, and to report on the question of its renewal, inviting informa tion from the Society on the question. At the request of the Council Mr. W. Gordon Bradley undertook to prepare a memorandum and to attend before the Committee.

The Governor-General. A the Governor-General of the Irish Free State thanking the Council for their resolution of good wishes. . Taxing Officer. A letter was read in reply from the Senior Taxing Master in reference to the difficulty in carrying on the work of the Taxing Office owing to the want of suitable accommoda tion. Letters were directed to be written on this subject to the Lord Chief Justice, the Law Officer and the Chairman of the Board of Works. Land Purchase Acts. The notice to Solicitors, issued by the Irish Land Commission, in reference to Land Purchase proceedings which had recently appeared in the Legal Diary, was referred to the Land Acts Committee, with power to take action in reference to it. Destruction of Society's Premises. The Secretary submitted the completed claim for compensation in respect of the destruction of the Society's property at the Four Courts, prepared in triplicate on the form prescribed by the Minister of Finance, and it was resolved that the claim as prepared be lodged. letter was read in reply from

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