The Gazette 1921-25
JANUARY, 1923]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Obituary. MR. ROBERT S. BAYLOR, Solicitor, died upon the 22nd December, 1922, at The Mercy- Nursing Home, Cork. Mr. Baylor was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1889, and practised at Fermoy. MR. RALPH NASH, Solicitor, died on 24th December, 1922, at St. John's Hospital, Limerick. Mr. Nash was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1883, and practised at Limerick up to the year 1912, when he retired. He was Registrar to the County Court Judge of Limerick for some years. MR. CONYERS BAKER, Solicitor, died upon the'24th December, 1922, at London. Mr. Baker served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Walter Nolan, Cahir, and the late Mr. George H. Sargint, Cahir; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1909, and practised at 86 Merrion Square, Dublin, up to the year 1912, when he went abroad. New Members. The following have joined the Society :— - Thomas O'Neill, Castleisland. Joseph C. Erskine, 5 Hume Street, Dublin. John M. Salmon, Naas. John McM. Lynch, Ennis. John J. Walsh, 6 Dawson Street, Dublin. Arthur C. Houlihan, Roscrea. Commissioners to Administer Oaths. The Lord Chief Justice has appointed the following to be Commissioners to administer Oaths :— George W. Beaumont, Solicitor, 13 Clare Street, Dublin. John Burke, Solicitor, 63 Upr. Sackville Street, Dublin. William T. Clare, Solicitor, 33 Anglesea Street, Dublin. Thomas J. Parley, Solicitor, 15 College Green, Dublin.
advisers. the conditions tinder which prisoners, charged and awaiting trial, may receive visits from Solicitors and Counsel. The instruction deals only with visits to prisoners " charged and awaiting trial by Military Court," and states that in no other case shall a Solicitor be permitted to visit a prisoner without the previous authority of the Adjutant-General. In relation to this last proviso the Council decided on further steps to be taken. The Governor-General. The following resolution was adopted, and a copy directed to be sent to the Governor- General :—. " Resolved—The Council of the Incor porated Law Society of Ireland beg to tender to Mr. T. M. Healy, K.C., their congratula tions and good wishes on his appointment to the office of Governor-General of the Irish Free State. The Council earnestly hope that under his Governorship the Free State may rapidly become a peaceful and prosperous country." Solicitors' Annual Certificates Members are reminded that .their annual certificates for the year ending 5th January, 1924, should be taken out and the duties paid thereon before the 6th February, 1923. The Certificates of Solicitors practising in the Free State are issued in the Office of the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin, and the duty is payable at Jury's Hotel, College Green, Dublin. The certificates of Solicitors practising in Northern Ireland are issued in the Office of the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland, 2 Rosemary Street, Belfast, and the duty is payable at the Inland Revenue Offices, Belfast. Found In the Molesworth Hall, after the General Meeting of the Society on 28th November last, a pair of spectacles. Apply at the Secretary's Office, 33 Molesworth Street. The instruction provides
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