The Gazette 1919-20
APRIL, 1920]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
and settling Conditions of Sale, or settling Contract for Sale by private treaty. 1. In any case where the value of the property does not exceed £1,000, a minimum fee of 3 guineas. 2. Where the value of the property exceeds £1,000, such further fee as may be arranged. Settling Deeds, etc.—In cases not within I. and II. above, For settling any deed, will or other conveyancing instrument, a minimum of 2 guineas. NOTE.—It is to be understood that these minimum fees are intended to apply only to simple cases, and that where the title is complicated or the documents of title are numerous, Counsel should require a fee increased to such amount as is reasonable. GENERAL NOTE. In cases not specifically provided for, the fees shall be fixed by analogy to the fore going scales. Dublin Postal Arrangements. The Council made various suggestions to the postal authorities with a view to securing a later hour for collection of letters in the afternoons for despatch from Dublin to the provinces, but none of these suggestions were accepted owing to official difficulties which could not be overcome. The following letter has been received in reply to a suggestion that all the railway termini in Dublin should have special pillars for the posting of late fee letters for despatch by night mails :— (Read at Council Meeting, 24th March, 1920, and ordered to be inserted in GAZETTE.) 20th March, 1920. Dear Sir, Careful consideration has been given to the request in your letter of the 6th instant that special pillar boxes for late posting purposes should be erected at Kingsbridge, Broadstone and Amiens Street Stations, similar to that at Westland Row. It is found, however, that such
£ s. d. 330 330 220 440
Settling Petition Answer „ Reply On hearing ...
Bankruptcy. On hearing of Ex parte Motions ... ,, Summons ... „ Motions On Examination of Witnesses ... General. Case for Direction of Proofs Settling Notice of Appeal or Notice of Motion for New Trial ,, Affidavits or other docu
1 1 0 220 220 330
330 1 1 0
ments to be used on any application to the Court 0 CONVEYANCING AND ADVICE ON TITLE. I. On behalf of Purchaser or Mortgagee. The minimum fees to Counsel shall be as follows :— 1. Where the consideration does not exceed £500. (a) for advising on title and pre paring requisitions without settling deed, 2 guineas. (b) the like, and settling deed,. 3 guineas. 2. Where the consideration exceeds £500, but does not exceed £1,000, An addition of one guinea to 1 (a) and 1 (b) respectively. 3. Where the consideration exceeds £1,000, and does not exceed £2,000, (a) for advising on title and pre paring requisitions without settling deed, 3 guineas. (b) the like, and settling deed, 5 guineas. 4. Where the consideration exceeds £2,000, and does not exceed £3,000, An addition of one guinea to 3 (a) and 3 (b) respectively. 5. Where the consideration exceeds £3,000, such further reasonable fee as may be arranged, having regard to the foregoing scale. II. On behalf of a Vendor. Advising on Title on behalf of a Vendor, 1 1
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