The Gazette 1919-20
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April, 1920.
Vol. XIII., No 10.]
.the-amount of the insurance -on the property of the Society. Dublin Postal Arrangements. A letter was read in reply from the Secretary, G.P.O., in reference to the applications of the Council for increased postal facilities to the provinces. The letter appears in this GAZETTE. Obituary. MR. THOMAS C. HOUSTON, Solicitor, died upon the 23rd March, 1920, at his residence, 43 Sans Souci Park, Belfast. Mr. Houston served his apprenticeship with Mr. William V. Davidson, Belfast, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1893, and practised at Belfast up to the year 1900, in which year he was appointed Registrar to Belfast Local Bankruptcy Court. Appointments and Honours. Major John Dunwoodie Martin McCallum, D.S.O., Solicitor, has been appointed a Resident Magistrate, .to be -Stationed at Ennis. Major McCallum was admitted a Solicitor in Hilary, 1910, and practised in Belfast. Mr. William Johnson, Solicitor, Newry, has been awarded the honour of Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Mr. Arthur W. Winder, M.B.E., Solicitor, Cork, has been promoted an Officer of the Order of the British Empire.
Meetings of the Council.
March Wth. Twenty-seven Members present. Government of Ireland Bill.
A Special Committee was appointed to consider this Bill both in relation to its effect upon the Society and the Solicitors' profes sion in Ireland generally, with authority to the Committee to take such steps as they may deem necessary during the progress of the Bill in Parliament. It was resolved that 'the views of the Northern Law Society and of the Southern Law" Association on the •judicature provisions of the Bill be ascertained. Solicitors' Remuneration. The President informed the Council that the Lord Chancellor had received the deputation appointed by the Council to submit the request of the Council that Orders should be made increasing all costs by fifty per cent, more than the costs payable prior to August, 1914. That the Lord Chancellor had fully discussed with the deputation the request in a most sympathetic manner, and had promised to have the Supreme Court Rule-making authority summoned for the earliest possible day after the return of the •-Circuits to consider the matter.
March 24th. Twenty-six Members present. Fire Insurance.
It was resolved that a new fire insurance policy be effected, increasing considerably
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