The Gazette 1919-20
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law .Society o! Ireland.
passed the modified Preliminary Examina tion for which they had liberty to present themselves. Seventeen candidates attended : 16 passed ; one was postponed. At the Final Examination held upon the 5th, 6th and 7th January, the following' passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit:— 1." Christopher E. Callan.
guineas from " Anonymous." Three guineas from the County Wicklow Sessional Bar Association. Ten pounds from Messrs. H.Wallace and Co. The approximate cost of the Memorial is £650, and the amount received towards this sum is £354 19s. 6d. in response to the appeal for subscriptions limitel to one guinea, issued last March. It'Lhas now been decided to issue a further appeal for subscriptions to make up. the balance require!. Admission of Women to the Profession. The Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act, 1919, received the Royal Assent upon 23rd December last. The Act opens the legal and other professions to women. Section 1 enacts that—" A person shall "not be disqualified by sex or marriage " from the exercise of any public function " or from being appointed to or holding " any civil or judicial office or post, or " from entering or assuming or carrying " on anj' civil profession or vocation, or " for admission to anv incorporated society " (whether incorporated by Royal Charter , ." or otherwise), and a person shall not be " exempted by sex or marriage from the " liability to serve as a juror." Two women have, since the passing of the Act, lodged applications to the Society for apprenticeship. ____ Examination Results. At the Preliminary Examination held upon . the 8th and 9th January, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit. :—
2. Daniel P. O'Connor, B.A.,N.U.I. 3. William D. Coyne, B.A., N.U.L 4. William Devoy. 5. Arthur J. Beatty, B.A., T.C.D. 6. Thomas J. Graham. 7. William J. Concannon. 8. John D. Mclldowie. 9. John M. Ford. 12. Edmund W. Mooney. 13. Thomas H. Wallace. 14. Samuel E. Williarhs. 15. Thomas O. Davis. 16. Lancelot I. N. Lloyd-Blood. .17. Donald L. Ross. 18. Robert W. McGonigal. 19. Timothy C. Crinion. 10. Thomas Murphy. 11. Stephen H. Lynch.
passed ; 2 were postponed.
New Solicitors. ADMISSIONS DURING NOVEMBER AND . DECEMBER, 1919, AND JANUARY, 1920. Name Served Apprenticeship to Bolger, John Joseph M. J. O'Connor, Wex- ford. Branigan, Lawrence F. ... Matthew Dolan,Dublin Browne, Percival Hugh W. S. Hayes, Dublin Clare, William T. ... H. R. Maunsell, Dublin Exshaw, Sydney ... William Martin, Mona- ghan Hoy, Bernard B. ... John Hoy, Dungannon MacMenamin William T. William Kelly, Letter- kenny McCoy, Richard Henry ... W. F. McCoy, Clones McDonald, David 1). ... H. D. Keane, Water- ford. Meredith, Raymond Carew F. W. Meredith,Dublin Moore, Cecil Percival ... M. A. Lynch, Dublin Murphy, John Anthony P. A. Murphy, Water- ford O'Sullivan, Philip J. ... F. O'Sullivan, Kinsale Ryan, Edward Thomas ... L. J. Ryan, Thurles Sainsbury, Reginald A. ... W. D. Sainsbury, ———— ' [Dublin. Dixon Joseph H. "( Under Sec. 29 oi Solicitors Hayes, Samuel ) (Ireland) Act, 1808.
1. James R. Lindsay. 2. Edward A. Cleary. 3. Richard S. H. Twigg. 4. John F. O'Riordan. 5. John Hollinger. 6. Robert Baillie, Jun. 7. Andrew J. O'Flynn. 8. Francis L. Ringland. 9. Patrick F. O'Reilly. 10. John J. Hannan. 11. William H. Smith. 12. Herbert MacNeice.
John G. Magrath, Thomas A. Murphy, Patrick G. O'Donnell and Timothy J. Regan
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