The Gazette 1919-20
n nf frdantr.
February, 1920.
Vol. XIII., No 8.]
past year been sitting as members of Legal " A " Board at Merrion Square as a Grants Recommending Committee undertook to dis charge the additional duties of the suggested interviewing panel. War Memorial. A letter was read from Messrs. H. Wallace and Co., Solicitors, Downpatrick, enclosing cheque for £10, subscription to the Society's War Memorial, being in addition to the subscription of one guinea already received from each of the members of the firm. The Council directed that their best thanks be conveyed to the firm for their generous sub scription. It was resolved that the Com mittee in charge of the War Memorial do take such further steps as they may consider necessary in order to obtain the balance required to meet the approximate cost of the Memorial. 28ih January. Thirty-two Members (including the Pre sidents of the Northern Law Society and of the Southern Law Association) present. Solicitors' Remuneration. A report was submitted from the Costs Committee on the subject of the intended application by the Council for rules increasing the present rate of Solicitors' remuneration. After full discussion, it was resolved to request the Lord Chancellor to receive a deputation from the Council on the subject.
Meetings of the Council.
14th January. Twenty-nine Members present. County Courts Bill. ' The Council nominated the President, Mr. Burne, and Mr. Monks to represent the Council on the Committee appointed by the General Meeting of the Society to consider the preparation of a Bill to amend County Court procedure. Committee of Inquiry, Clerks of Crown and Peace. In response to the request of the Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry, now sitting, appointed by the Lord Lieutenant to report in reference to the duties of Clerks of Crown and Peace and County Court Registrars, that -the Council should nominate a Dublin practising Solicitor to give evidence, the •Council nominated Mr. W. J. Shannon. "JHinistry of Labour. A letter was read from the Irish Depart ment of the Ministry of Labour, Appointments and Training Branch, 65 Merrion Square, Dublin, requesting the Council to nominate members to sit upon an interviewing panel at 65 Merrion Square, to interview demobi lised Irish Solicitors seeking employment. The letter stated that there are at present twenty-three Solicitors on the books of the Department. The Council complied with the request, and the President and those members of the Council who have for the "
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