The Gazette 1919-20
The Gazette ot the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Provincial Delegate for Leinster) and Mr. Joseph Alien (Extra-Ordinary Member of Council, Northern Law Society) consented to give evidence on behalf of the Council. 27th November. Twenty-five members present. Extra-Ordinary Members. The Northern Law Society submitted the names of the following members to be Extra- Ordinary Members of the Council :—Mr. John McKee (President), Mr. Joseph Alien, Mr. John B. McCutcheon, Mr. George H. Quarry, and Mr. Martin H. Turnbull; and the Southern Law Association submitted the names of the following members to be Extra- Ordinary Members of Council:—Mr. W. H. Corker (President), Mr. F. L. Blake, Mr. C. Jermyn, Mr. A. Julian, and Mr. W. Thornhill. The ten members nominated were declared duly elected. Solicitors' Remuneration. A letter was read from a member giving particulars of a case of " under cutting " by a Solicitor in undertaking conveyancing work for a scale far lower in amount than he was entitled to charge, for the transaction of which work the client had previously requested another Solicitor to state the amount his charge would be, and had been informed by him of the amount as regulated by scale. The matter was referred to a Committee. Apprentices. Applications from two apprentices, and two intending apprentices, all of whom had served in the army during the war, were dealt with, and each of the applications were granted. Law Clerks. Applications from three Law Clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16 were considered, one was granted,, and the other two were refused.
and the Petty Sessions and Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Acts and any other Statutes as may be affected by this bill and report to the Council." MR. E. H. BURNE seconded the motion, which was adopted. The President having vacated the chair, and Mr. W. T. Sheridan (Vice-President) having taken it, MR. W. S. HAYES proposed a vote of thanks to the President for the great services which he rendered to the profession during his year of office. He never spared himself on behalf of the Society, and had readily given the Council the benefit of his great experience and advice. MR. FRANCIS KENNEDY, on behalf of the Co. Wicklow Bar Sessional Association, seconded the motion, which was passed with acclamation. THE PRESIDENT acknowledged the co.mpliment. Service of High Court Notices. It was resolved to request the Supreme Court Rule-making Authority to alter the hour limit fixed by Order LXIV., Rule 13, for service of High Court notices on Saturdays from the hour of two o'clock to the hour of one o'clock. Committee of Inquiry, Clerks of Crown and Peace Office. It was resolved that evidence should be given on behalf of the Council before the Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Lord Lieutenant on that portion of the reference which deals with Local Registration of Title. That the evidence should be directed against greater centralization of the work, and in favour of continuing local registration in its entirety, as provided for by the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891. At the request of the Council Mr. M. Buggy Meetings of the Council. 12th November. Twenty-four members present.
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