The Gazette 1919-20
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November, 1919.
Vol. XIV., No. 1.]
Meetings of the Council.
Clerks of the Crown and Peace. The consideration of the reference to the Committee appointed by the Lord Lieutenant to enquire into the mode of appointment, duties and salaries of Clerks of the Crown and Peace, and into the duties of the office of County Court Registrar, was referred to the County Courts Committee. The full terms of reference to the Committee of Inquiry will be found in this GAZETTE. Law Clerks. Applications from four Law Clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16 were considered ; two were granted and two were refused.
October 1st. Twenty-five members were present.
Mr. Serjeant Matheson. The Council resolved to express to Mr. Serjeant Matheson, K.C., their congratula tions on his appointment to the office of Recorder of Belfast. Overend Bequest. It was resolved that the sum of £1,000 received from the executors of the Will of the lat.e Mr. T. T. L. Overend, to found Scholarships in connection with the Pre liminary and Final Examinations, be invested in 5 per cent. War Loan. Lectures. Applications from four apprentices, whose terms of apprenticeship have expired, for exemptions from attendance at lectures, missed owing to military service, were granted. October 15th. Twenty-four members were present. The Recorder of Belfast. A letter was read from the Recorder of Belfast, in reply, thanking the Council for their resolution of congratulation.
October 29th. Twenty-five members were present.
Annual Report. The draft Annual Report of the Council was considered and adopted.
General Meeting of the Society. The Half-yearly General Meeting of the members of the Society will be held in the Hall of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, on Wednesday, the 26th day of November, 1919, at two o'clock p.m. The report of the outgoing Council will be submitted for adoption.
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