The Gazette 1919-20
[AUGUST, 1919.
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
November 4th, 7th, llth, 14th, 18th, 21st, 25th and 28th. December 2nd and'5th. Books recommended to be read by appren tices attending Senior Class : Williams' Prin ciples of the Law of Real Property ; Maitland's Lectures on Equity; Davidson's Concise Pre cedents in Conveyancing. Professor Furlong will deliver Lectures to the Junior Class upon " Common Law," on the following dates in Michaelmas Sittings, 1919, at 2 o'clock p.m. :— , October 27th and 30th. November 3rd, 6th, 10th, 13th, 17th, 20th, 24th and 27th. December 1st and 4th. Books recommended to be read by appren tices attending Junior Class : Anson on Con tracts ; Ringwood on Torts. The lectures will be delivered in the Lecture Theatre, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts. Apprentices desirous of attending either class should give notice to the Secretary before 15th October. Under-Sheriffs and Bailiffs (Ireland). The Report of the Committee of Enquiry appointed by the Lord Lieutenant last October to report upon the duties of Under-Sheriffs, and as to the System of Appointment of Under- Sheriffs and Bailiffs, has been issued as a Parliamentary Paper. The Committee consisted of the Recorder of Dublin, Sir George Fottrell, K.C.B., Mr. Headlam, Treaury Remembrancer, Mr. Seddall. ex- President of this Society, and Mr. R. K. Gamble, ex-President of the Chamber of Commerce. The Report, which is signed by all the members of the Committee, contains an in teresting account of the several duties of Under- Sheriffs in Ireland, and makes valuable suggestions for legislation in relation to the • office, and it is hoped that the Government will, in the near future, give effect to the recommendations contained in the Report. \
Examination Results. At the Intermediate Examination for Appren tices held on 1st day of July, the following passed the Examination, and their names are classed and placed in order of merit:— CLASS I. 1. Michael Tynan. 2. Peter Fox. 3. Bernard J. D. O'Kelly. 4. Robert B. Wolfe. 5. Cornelius P. McGrath.
6. Michael J. C. Keane. 7. Edmund J. Alexander. 8. Thomas V. Davy Richard C. Keohane 10. Richare J. Farrell. CLASS II. 1. Joseph R. Downes. 2. Patrick J. McCrystal. 3. Patrick J. Gallery. 5. William R. McFerran. 6. John D. Mclldowie. 7. Maurice F. Noonan. 8. Thaddeus O'Sullivan. John G. Wheeler
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9. Edward T. Ryan. 10. Donald L. Ross. 29 Candidates attended ;
20 passed ;
were postponed.
Dates of October Examinations. The following are the dates upon which the October Examinations will be held :— October 2nd and 3rd. Preliminary.—Notices of intending candidates to be lodged in the Secretary's office before 17th September. October 6th. Intermediate.—Notices of intending candidates to be lodged in the Secre tary's office before 23rd September. October 7th, 8th and 9th. Final.—Notices of intending candidates to be lodged in the Secretary's office before 20th September. Michaelmas Sittings Lectures. Professor McKeever will deliver Lectures to the Senior Class upon the subject of " Real Property, Equity, and Conveyancing," on the following dates, in Michaelmas Sittings, 1919, at 2 ©'clock p.m. :— October 28th and 31st.
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