The Gazette 1919-20
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August, 1919.
Vol. XIII, No. 4.]
Meetings of the Council. 9th JULY. Twenty-six members present. UNDER-SHERIFFS.—A letter was read from the Irish Under-Sheriffs' Association enclosing copy of a resolution adopted by that body on 26th June, in which this Societj" was invited to join in a proposed deputation to the Chief Secretary on the subject of legislation in relation to the office of Under-Sheriff. The consideration of this matter was postponed pending the receipt of the report of the Com mission appointed by the Lord Lieutenant last year to enquire into the working of the office of Under-Sheriff in Ireland, and it was resolved that a letter be written to the Under-Secretary for Ireland requesting a copy of the report. 23rd JULY. Twenty-six members present. LAW CLERKS.—Reports were submitted from the Court of Examiners upon four applications from Law Clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16 of the Solicitors' (Ireland) Act, 1898. Three of these applications were granted, the fourth was refused. SOLICITOR ENTERING INTO BAIL.—A letter was read from a country member requesting the opinion of the Council as to whether it is contrary to professional etiquette for a Solicitor, appearing at Petty Sessions for the defence of a prisoner, to enter into bail for the appearance of his client on the next Court day, the adjourn ment of the hearing being for the personal con venience of the Solicitor for the prisoner. A reply was directed stating that in the opinion of the Council it would be contrary to professional etiquette for a Solicitor to enter into bail for his client, and the Council would disapprove of a Solicitor so acting. UNDER-SHERIFFS.—It was resolved that in the event of the Chief Secretary consenting to receive a deputation on the subject of legislation
in relation to the office of Under-Sheriff as mentioned in the letter received from the Irish Under-Sheriffs' Association, that the President do represent this Society on such deputation. The Council adjourned until Wednesday, first dav of October. Obituary. Mr. Robert C. Martin, Solicitor, died upon 27th June, at Belfast. Mr. Martin served his. apprenticeship with the late Mr. William Martin, of Ramelton, Co. Donegal, was admitted in "Hilary term 1876, and practised at Ballymoney. Mr. John George Lidwell, Solicitor, died upon 23rd July, at his residence, 6 Corrig Avenue, Kingstown. Mr. Lidwell served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John C, Ennis, 98 Capel Street, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1897, and practised at 33 Upper Ormond Ouav Dublin. Mr. Hugh Thomas Savers, Solicitor, died upon 28th July, at Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin. Mr. Savers served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Joseph Honner, of Cashel, was admitted in Hilary term, 1872, and practised at Cashel. War Memorial. The Council have engaged the services of Mr. Oliver Sheppard, R.H.A., in connection with the Memorial, and they have approved of a design submitted by Mr. Sheppard for the bronze tablet. The names to be inscribed on the tablet are those of the Irish Solicitors and Apprentices to
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