The Gazette 1919-20
of Jitlani
July, 1919.
Vol. XIII, No. 3.]
Mr. Joseph J. Farrell, Solicitor, died on 25th June, 1919, at his residence, 112 West Street, Drogheda. Mr. Farrell served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John T. Simpson, of Drogheda, was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1895, and practised at Drogheda. Honors. Mr. Henry A. Wynne, Chief Crown Solicitor for Ireland, has received the honour of Knight hood. Lieut. H. C. Gordon McCormick, R.A.S.C., Solicitor, Sligo, has been awarded the honour of M.B.E. (Military Division). County Court Rules. The following Rules under the provisions of the County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, were upon the 28th May, 1919, made in lieu of and substituted for the previously existing Rule 6 of Order VIII, and Rule 2 of Order XVI. ORDER VIII, RULE 6. The Clerk of the Peace shall enter on record in his book the name of only one Solicitor or firm of Solicitors, as Solicitor or Solicitors for the Plaintiff or for any Defendant ; and in the case of a firm of Solicitors not more than one member of such firm shall appear or take part in the conduct of any one case. ORDER XVI., RULE 2. In the case of sickness or unavoidable absence of the Solicitor or any member of a firm of Solicitors" on record for any party, another Solicitor, being a Solicitor usually practising in the particular Court, may, by leave of the Court, appear and conduct the case on behalf of such Solicitor or firm of Solicitors on record.
Meetings of the Council. llth JUNE. Twenty-five members present. Sir HENRY A. WYNNE.—It was resolved that the congratulations of the Council be conveyed to Mr. Henry A. Wynne, Chief Crown Solicitor, on the honour of knighthood having been con ferred upon him. EXAMINATION RESULTS.—The report of the Court of Examiners upon the results of the May Preliminary and Final Examinations was sub mitted and adopted. 25th JUNE. Twenty-five members present. PROFESSORSHIP OF COMMON LAW.—The Council elected Lieut. Peter C. Furlong, M.C., Solicitor, to the Professorship of Common Law, in succession to Mr. F. S. D. de V. White, 'Solicitor, whose term of office expires this Sittings. COUNTY COURT RULES.—The provisional 'County Court Rules, dated 6th June, 1919, under Section 5 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and Section 1 (5) of the •Criminal Injuries (Ireland) Act, 1919, were :referred for consideration to the County Courts Committee. —— Obituary. Mr. William J. Fegan, Solicitor, died upon 14th June, at his residence, 9 Farnham Street, Cavan. Mr. Fegan served his apprenticeship with the late Sir John H. Franks, 84 Merrion Square, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1888, and practised at Cavan. Mr. William E. O'Rorke, Solicitor, died upon 20th June, 1919, at his residence, Kinallen, Belfast. Mr. O'Rorke was called to the Irish Bar in Michaelmas Sittings, 1886, and was admitted a Solicitor in Hilary Sittings, 1902, under the provisions of Section 29 of the Solicitors' (Ireland) Act, 1898, and practised in Belfast.
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