The Gazette 1918-19
April, 1919.
Vol. XII, No. 10.]
Meetings of the Council.
March 26th. Twenty-three Members were present. Irish Land Commission. A letter in reply was read from the Irish Land Commission, stating that it is not the practice for the Solicitor to the Commission to act for purchasers of holdings sold owing to default in payment of annuity, though there sometimes are cases, generally of a petty nature, where the Solicitor for the Commission has to do so, as it is the only means of effecting a sale. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council are fixed to be held on the following dates :— April 30th. May Hth and 28th. High Court Sittings. EASTER Sittings commence on Thursday, 24th April, and terminate on Wednesday, 28th May. Obituary. MR. THOMAS O'KEEFE, Solicitor, died upon the 1st March, 1919, at Lisgoold, Midleton. Mr. O'Keeffe served his apprenticeship with Mr. Joseph H. McCarroll, Wicklow ; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1914, and practised at Midleton.
March 12th. Twenty-one Members were present. Salaries of Clerks of Crown and Peace. A letter in reply was read from the Assistant Under-Secretary stating that their Excellencies the Lords Justices desired to inform the Council that the reduction from £900 to £800 per annum of the salary assigned to the office of Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the County and City of Limerick was effected on the advice of Their Excellencies' advisers after very careful consideration of all the facts of the case, and with due regard to the nature and extent of the duties attached to the post. The letter further stated that the salary of the Clerk of the Crown and Peace as Local Registering Authority was increased at the same time from £100 to £200 per annum. Witnesses' Expenses. A communication was received from the Taxing Masters, intimating that the Lord Chancellor had requested the Masters to ascertain the views of the Council in reference to a suggested increase of amounts allowed under the Supreme Court Rules to witnesses. The matter was referred to the Costs Committee. Lectures. Applications by two Apprentices, both of whom had served four years in the Army, for exemption from attendance at lectures, were granted.
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