The Gazette 1918-19
May, 1918.
Vol. XII, No. 1.]
Meetings of the Council.
Annual Subscription.
loth April. Conveyancing.
MEMBERS are reminded that their annual subscription to the Society became due on the first day of May, as follows :
A report was submitted of a case heard before the Recorder of Galway, at Tuam, in which proceedings under 27 Victoria, Cap. 8, had been instituted by the Society, in the name of their Secretary, against a person who had been a law clerk, for recovery of a penalty for illegal conveyancing for remuneration. A decree for £5 penalty was obtained.
Town Members and Country Mem– bers of more than three years' standing entitled to vote at election of ordinary members of Council . . . . . . . . Other Country Members Members who have been admitted to the profession under three years Press rent ...
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i\th April. Costs Committee.
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A report from the Costs Committee on two queries submitted for decision was adopted. Query I. Lease for 21 years of premises in the City of Dublin, rent £213, with clause of liberty to surrender at end of each three years. The premises were previously held by same lessee for 21 years at £120 per annum. Portion of the demised premises were sub-let by the lessees during their previous tenancy at a rent of £200 per annum, and the same portion has again been sub-let by the lessees to the same sub-tenants for £300 per annum. (1) Under what scale should costs be drawn? (2) Who should pay for counterpart of lease? (3) Who should pay for two powers of attorney under which executions of the lease by two lessors were obtained? (i) The costs of the lease should be drawn under the scale
Half-yearly General Meeting.
THE Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society will be held in the Hall of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, on Wednesday, the 15th May, 1918, to elect Auditors, to nominate Scrutineers of Ballot for Council, to be held on zist November, 1918, and to transact such further business as may come before the Meeting. The chair will be taken at two o'clock, p.m
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